How to find actual vs prediction CL?

I can’t seem to find the actual CL vs the predicted CL. I am at WDW now ( first time visiting in January) Monday MK was CL3. It was busier than I have ever seen. My in line waiting was longer than I have ever experienced. And past visits I have usually been CL 5-8
I wonder if I missed something in my planning?

It was a CL 7.


I like to use the old site for this info.

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On the TP app, on the home page scroll down to “Walt Disney World Crowd Calendar.”
That will open up the browser version of TP’s crowd calendar page.
On that page, scroll down to the calendar for picking a current/future date. In the upper left corner is a symbol of a clock going backwards. Click on that.
That brings up a list of past dates. Choose one, and click on “See all details”
That brings up the predicted vs observed, along with other info such as prices for admission, G+, and $ILL.

There used to be a “how we did yesterday” page that I used to be able to find prior to the website change. Where is it located now?

It does not exist anymore

Bummer, I liked the feature.

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I’m kind of surprised. I always thought the feature played no useful purpose. It was either bragging that they were right, or telling on themselves they weren’t…but it had no usefulness to the end user. The fact that was right or wrong provided no insight into WHY it was right or wrong.

I had actually recommended they get rid of the feature when they updated the site.

I liked it, too, because it was a quick place to check the previous day’s CL when I would hear reports of crowds on Disney Parks fan sites or social media.

Yes and it was good to check days before when you’re about to go in your trip. I thought it kept expectations in check. Like this week appears a lot busier than was expected.

Just making sure this is what we’re all talking about, it was at the top of the Crowd Calendar page:

What I liked more were the daily wait time blogs that ended a couple years ago. They looked like this:


That’s what I’m talking about, at least. :slight_smile:

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@TwoBits & @Figment20 the information is still readily available. Instead of a summary of random attractions from all 4 parks mashed together, you just need to look at the attractions from each park separately. Here’s the example:

And here you see this info is available daily: (first column is “Predicted”, second is “Observed”)


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I am in MK today Jan 24, which was a predicted 2 CL. If this is a 2 I cannot imagine a 9 or 10. Any ideas why so busy?

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One theory

A number of years ago (maybe 2019?), January and February had much longer lines than usual for that time of year because WDW cut staff and closed down some tracks on rides with multiple tracks.

Maybe that is happening again?

Second theory

I’ve noticed that many people have been more willing to pull kids out of school for vacations since the pandemic started. So non-school break times may be harder to predict now.

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It was a CL5

Thanks! I hadn’t been in 11 years and I thought it was super crowded. I guess it could have been much worse!

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Unfortunately, many aspects of WDW have changed in the wrong direction over the past 11 years. The increased crowds is one of them. The dramatic price increases is another.

I just finished 10 days at WDW. It was packed. The predicted CL is obviously way out. I have been to WDW on CL 6,7,8 and that was not as crowded as these 2 weeks in January. Thank goodness for BG1.