How much cash to take into park?

If we plan on charging most of the stuff back to the room account, how much cash should we bring into the parks for 2 adults and 2 kids? Why, and what will we use it for? Do you vary per park?

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DW and I carry very little cash - probably less than $50 between us. But we rarely use it. If we do, it might be for some popcorn or bottle of water or something that just seems easier to pay cash for than to scan a MB.


I just spent five days in the parks, with no cash at all. I did fine, but I wished I had cash when I bought a few postcard stamps, instead of charging them to the room.

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I NEVER carry cash - and never had an issue in WDW. 99.9% will take CC regardless of amount - at least that is my experience

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Yeah, forget the cash…earn the miles on your CC!! Even for small items its not faster to rummage around finding the notes and then ending up with change that will inevitably fall out of your pockets when getting on/off or during a ride. You can even tip on your CC so just swipe and move on (or use MB of course)


With the prevalence of Lyft/Uber, even my “paranoia money” – the $20 tucked way down in my wallet in case I need a cab or something – is beginning to seem unnecessary.