How does the itinerary and planning work on Touring Plans?

First timer at WDW and I want to know what to rope drop and get LL’s for with a timed itinerary. For example, for AK, I want to know if I should I rope drop Avatar and get a LL for another ride? Will the premium version do that on the app?

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You can create a touring plan by adding all the attractions you want to do, then optimize. That itinerary is computer/data recommended.

You can also watch some TP teaching videos like AK Early Entry Strategies and AK G+ Priorities and create your custom touring plan. (evaluate only)

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Great advice above!
But also, if you RD go to Flight of Passage first. Grab a different LL at 7am. If you want to ride FoP a second time you could (standby) or purchase an ILL for later. Rope Drop (with early entry) sees fairly short waits and walking through the queue is beautiful.

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