How do I post photos for my Live Trip Report?

Title says it all - how do I post photos for my live trip report? I just tried uploading one and I received an error message saying I wasn’t authorized :rofl:

Some people have trouble occasionally. Did you try uploading from your gallery or google photos?

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Are you doing these steps:


Testing with an unrelated photo using @PrincipalTinker’s suggestions.



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Cool! Now you must explain the photo :rofl:–where is this?

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Thank you for your help. Not sure what happened before :upside_down_face:

@motherofdaughtersthree This was from when D14 and I did a zipling adventure down Smugglers Notch in Stowe, VT. As someone who is scared of heights, it was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. Unlike roller coasters that strap you in, with ziplining you are just attached by a rope and carabiner & the only way to “stop” yourself is using those big heavy duty gloves we are wearing to push on the zipline… EEEKKKKKK.

OH!! Me too!! I’m sure I would love it but only when it’s over!! :rofl:

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