How do dress for January weather

We will be in WDW 1/23-1/27. Weather is showing mid 70’s with cloud cover. We are from Colorado, dry and colder. How should we dress for our Disney trip? Will it be humid this time of year? Are the evenings chilly?


I have gone around this time and the weather was comfortable during the day and chilly in the evening after the sun went down. It wasn’t humid. You may need a sweatshirt or light jacket during the day depending on if you get cold easily. We wore shorts/cropped pants and t-shirts during the day and sweatshirts/jackets at night. I hope this helps.

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We are at Disney now, January 20th. We have had temperatures as low as 27 and as high as 70. Unusually cold for Florida Be sure to check updated forecast right before you leave. But to answer your question no humidity. On days that temperature was close to 70 the days were pleasant. Maybe need a light sweater or something long sleeve in mornings. Afternoons short sleeves were comfortable but at night we needed jackets. The temp really dropped when sun went down and if wind was blowing it was chilly. Layering is the answer. I wore short sleeves today brought a very very light weight knit sweater and at night put on my fleece It was 44 this morning and leveling and 68 in the afternoon

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