Hollywood Studios After Hours 2025

My apologies if anyone has already started this elsewhere and my search skills are just missing it.

I just booked a room to attend the August 6th Hollywood Studios After Hours with my two oldest girls. We had a lot of fun at MNSSHP last August, and I think we would enjoy the one-night experience again. I am planning a full blown trip with my younger DD’s in November, but the older girls have far less time.

After seeing the Touring Plans Instagram posts this morning, I am eager to go.

I hope others who are going will share thoughts along the way. August is a LONG time away! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m on the fence about attending this in July, mostly due to the crazy cost and not sure I can stay awake for it lol. For July 2nd its almost $200 a ticket. If its really awesome and I just may go for it so feedback is appreciated here too :blush:

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I just checked prices on Undercover Tourist and I’ll save $12.02 per ticket buying them there. Not a lot, but depending on the party size, it does add up. Will (mostly) cover the cost of a quick dinner at the All Star Sports food court before we head over.

I almost booked Pop for $186/night in August because of Skyliner, but the All Star Sports was $122 and that definitely will save money with a three night stay. (Other days we will golf and swim.)


We’ll be going to HS After Hours in May, hoping to do a trip report, but happy to answer any questions you might have between our trip and yours!


I went to Hollywood Studios AH last June.

I start talking about it here:

Closing thoughts are here:

And yes, I would absolutely go again, especially if it was during the hot and humid season!

I was thinking about surprising DH with HS AH on our very, very short next trip. But it isn’t being held during our visit! :tired_face:



We are booked for early June and HS is the only park with after hours during our stay. Was thinking about it because our trip is short with only 3 planned park days and no hoppers, so we could make the after hours ticket our “HS day” and hop there after AK. My issue is that DH wants to go to the Roundup Rodeo restaurant which feels like a terrible use of park hours on a party ticket :sweat_smile:


You will have so much fun! We did this last summer and loved it. Everything but SDD was pretty much walk on and SDD was only a 20 minute wait. We are doing MK AH in March since we enjoyed HS AH so much.


I just noticed there is an Epcot one the next night…. I wonder if I should do that too? I’m not the biggest Epcot fan. Maybe I’ll wait for some previews.


I’ve not done that one, but I believe the consensus is that it’s not worth the money since rides are so far apart. You can’t do as much because of the walking. (This does not mean that I won’t do one when the opportunity presents itself. Guardians is my favorite ride in WDW.)


Kind of what I am thinking. SO much walking. And it’s not my favorite park anyway.

But - there’s this!!!

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They know how to hook us. Every. Single. Time. :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

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This. If Epcot AH means standby Guardians which I can ride infinite amount of times… you’ll know where to find me :joy: But I’m assuming the queue would be 30 min+ anyways


This is what I’ve heard too.


I have not attended a traditional EPCOT after hours, but have attended a deluxe extra evening hours and a runDisney EPCOT event. Besides just the sheer amount of walking, most if not all the countries were closed which I believe is consistent with all AH events.

If you have unlimited funds or want to ride Guardians on repeat, definitely worth it, but I felt like I had to spend another day at EPCOT to get close to the full experience within the World Showcase.


We did HS AH once and have it booked again. It was fantastic with pretty much no wait for anything except RotR and minimal wait for SDD.


Also forgot to mention that we got some great pictures and interaction with characters in TSL and SW:GE.


I will also be attending on August 6! :blush:


We did Epcot AH last June. Right at 9:00 we were the only ones in the preshow for Guardian for several minutes. We rode it again 2 (maybe 3) at the end of the night with minimal wait!


Did you end up doing both AH nights? I am considering doing this for my August 2025 trip (HS AH on Wed and EP AH on Thurs). If so, do you feel it was worth it?

We’re doing both MK and HS for our upcoming trip, in part to maximize our time and avoid spring break crowds.

Epcot AH would have less value to me for three reasons - one is that we don’t love the rides there that much and can accomplish everything pretty easily (esp. with LL), two is that the main reason we enjoy Epcot is the food and meandering through WS, and three is that we’re DVC so we can do EP EEH for free.

That said, in August, EP AH might be worth it just for the cooler temperatures.

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