Holiday specialty adult beverages - what’s been your favorite?

I want to hear about your favorite holiday specialty adult beverages you’ve seen/had/want to have at WDW this year! Name, location, and anything you know about it would be fantastic! Plus pics if you have them!

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Frozen New York Whiskey Sour at L’Chaim booth in Epcot, between Morocco and France.

(“Borrowed” the last 2 photos from WDWNT.)


I had the Holiday Martini at Jock Lindsey’s - I really liked it…though it doesn’t really pair with the foods.

My mom had the Cherry Cocktail there and really liked it (but I don’t have a photo)


I haven’t had it yet but I am looking forward to trying the fig cocktail from Tangierine Cafe.

Photo from food and wine app:


The frozen hot chocolate martini in France is amazing. I had it years ago and plan to get it next week as well.


Agree with Frozen Hot Chocolate Martini being good but the other one at the France holiday kitchen, Le Joyeux Cocktail de Noel, was not. It didn’t seem like it knew what it was supposed to be so it ended up tasteless.
Also tried the apple margarita at suggestion of @WakandaForever and it was quite tasty even though I would never have gone for it based on the description


I felt the same way - that it wasn’t very appealing. I ordered it under pressure. I spent my time in line chatting with another guest who had the same birthday as me and I hadn’t made a decision by the time it was my turn to order. I ended up getting that margarita 3 times.


Also got it because of @WakandaForever Here is a picture:

It has a smokey flavor and I strongly recommend drinking a little of the margarita amd then having a little whip cream.


It would have been a tad better with a cocktail straw. That’s my only complaint.


If you are going to Jollywood I recommend rhe naughty or nice at Dockside, and the Sugar Cookie Martini near the produce stand. DFB did not like the sugar cookie martini and said they couldn’t taste the alcohol, but it was by far my strongest drink of the night, and a fun desert cocktail.


I had to use a giant sized real one. A cocktail straw would have been perfect - to stir or sip!