I gotta meet Kermie one day…
@Mrpotatohead-you took Kermie and @Elaine to the HOME with you in the BUICK? (Getting out @Elaine5715 voodoo doll…)
No, @Elaine5715 had already returned to the Tundra when I was hanging around with Kermie. He did quite well in geezerland.
Well, alrighty then. (Putting away push pins)
Don’t worry @luv, Kermit needed the rest I kept him rater busy, see my posts on where’s kermit
Since Kermit has been found and is back on his adventures, can we post pictures and info here too or is everyone on the Flat Liners facebook page?
I asked the same question in chat the other day!
Well, I should have Kermie in 11 days so my plan for now is to post everywhere.
Thank you!
Here should be great. Also there was a soecial section of la cava just for kermit.
Better later than never? We had Kermit in October and had tons of fun. I hope he is back adventuring soon.
Thank you for posting these photos! Many of us never see Kermit’s adventures!
No problem! Sorry for the delay. Looks like Kermit will be back in action next week. Maybe some more pictures will get transferred here from the FB page.
What great adventures Kermit has had. Hoefully we can spend time with him in Sept whilst celebrating my 50th …
Hi everybody. I made new threads for host families in July 2017 and August 2017. I don’t know how to create a continuing spreadsheet like the fairy godmailer, so if anyone does…feel free to create a thread we can use forever.
I’m going to keep PMing the person who took Kermit to Ohio. She mailed him out once, but he got lost in the mail. She told me last week he was returned to her, and she was going to send him out again.
I will be posting on FB and IG using the #flatkermit tag. I will post his pics here after I get home (my phone doesn’t have that much processing power, and posting on the forum is a challenge!).
Thanks for the update! Would love to host him in October when you get that thread or whatever going