Help with touring plans, please!

We are going for 3 days next week! So I’m trying to finalize our TPs. I think if I link them you can read them?
First up-an Epcot morning on 6/21

next up-our evening in MK
We are doing the after fireworks dessert party & will probably stay to close-ish. Although the next day is EARLY, so maybe not. We are taking a break in the middle of the day.
By the way-traveling is me, husband, & DD (15). We will have a car & are staying at Coronado Springs.
We have been to the parks many times and our most important goals for this trip are Tron & Guardians. Actually-with that in mind, I probably want to try for a later Tron ILL as I’d really like to ride it in the dark. Maybe after fireworks? Thoughts?

Next, 6/21 We will start the day in MK. TP has us RD Mad Tea Party & People Mover :rofl:
I’m thinking we will head to SM instead. I thinking I’ll buy G+ for this day- but what do you guys think?

We will spend the evening in Epcot after a break-for dinner & fireworks. We may or may not go on rides. Might buy an IIL for Guardians if we really like it or try for a late VQ.

Last day 6/22
We are playing the morning by ear. Maybe Epcot, maybe MK. Depends on which one we feel like we did not get enough of.
Evening will be at HS-mostly for Galaxy’s Edge, but we want to go on a few other rides if possible. I haven’t seen GE at night & DD & I (especially me) are huge Star Wars fans!

Any advice is welcome and appciated


(1) Why are you walking over to the Land Pavilion for Step 3?

(2) Remy may be longer than 41 min wait at 10:00 am. Be prepared for that possibility.

(3) From my experiences, I think from the time you enter the GotG ILL line to the time you exit the ride, it will end up being more like a total of 20-30 mins then 9 mins.

thank you, I just hit “optimize” and this is what I got. I hadn’t noticed it put the land pavilion away from the attractions there. Silly algorithm!

I would RD SM.

I would buy G+, but I would not use it for PhilharMagic as shown on the TP unless you have nothing else that makes sense to use G+ for. I’d use G+ for more crowded MK rides, and then see if you can pick up an evening LL for Remy, TT or FEA at a drop time to use later at EP. Also, maybe another ride on Soarin’ with an LL.

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Don’t follow the TP for what times to obtain G+ LLs. I think you should always get LLs as soon as eligible and modify if you want a later time

Also, I don’t agree with the order of attractions shown on the TP in which to obtain G+ LLs. Check out the Genie+ thread in LaCava for the recommended order in which to obtain HS LLs.

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Nice stacking on your HS day! Use standby for Muppets— I’m sure that Statler & Waldorf got in that way— and Genie+ your way into MMRR to get the most bang for your buck.

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The only thing missing from my preference list is ToT. Different strokes/different folks.:grin:

huh, thought ToT was on there, I’m terrified of that ride, but DD & DH love it. :joy:

I’ve got another question! I believe @OBNurseNH is going to MK on 6/21 as well- are you purchasing G+? I can’t tell from my Touring Plan if it will really help or not.

I’ve moved some things around. New link to TP. Custom Touring Plan: MK am

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We are expecting to only buy G+ on 2, perhaps 3 of our days (none of which are MK days)

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may I ask your reasoning? I know it’s “recommended” for MK, but we are hopeful for low crowds with the early closing & I’m wondering if It is an expense I can skip & just follow a good rope drop plan? Do you mind sharing your strategy for the day? TIA

Our family’s Genie plus decision was based on the following:
What are the goals at each park?
How often do ya go?
Is the extra expense worth the less line waiting?

Our answers: we only had 3 park days with park hoppers. At MK, we wanted to do SM/JC/BTM/HM which can all have longer waits if wanting to do
Other things like Tron and 7D. We only go every few years and spending $150ish (5 people) was worth the cost of avoiding 1-2 hours or more in line.


We have 8 park days, all partial visits of a few to several hours.

We are all going into this particular trip with very low requirements needed to make this a success. I think we all want to do our very favorites, and otherwise just be casual

It is not very Liner-like and it is a bit uncomfortable for me. But I am basing our skip Genie+ plans on our particular vacation needs.


Exactly this. We are lucky to go frequently. We have had plenty of trips that have left us feeling Disney Tired. I think none of us is after that this time :slight_smile:

We’ll hit whatever we miss on the next go


Thank you! We have a very short trip this time. 3 days with park hoppers, sounds similar to yours. But also are really just aiming to hit our favorite rides. Those rides can have high wait times, however. We’ve been recently enough that none of us are going to be heartbroken if we don’t make it to our level 2 tear rides. I can’t decide if G+ will make it more or less stressful! haha! We’ve only been once with G+ and I did find it helpful at MK, so I will probably get it again. Purchasing G+ & ILL really wracks up the daily price! Oh well. Not sure when the next time we will go back will be, so we will make the most out of this trip!

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