Help with my TPs

I feel like @profmjh, @sanstitre_has_left_the_building, @mousematt and @profmatt this time around with the way I keep changing my TPs like those 4 guys aways seem to do.

This trip will be DW, DD9, DS7 and me for 5 nights at BLT and 2 nights at HRH.

Thoughts on any changes to my current thinking below? I would prefer to spread out the 2 days of GofG rides so they are not back-to-back, but I haven’t found a better plan for those. I’m a little concerned I didn’t schedule enough MK time. We usually spend more time at MK, but adding in DS, fishing and UOR means there need to be cuts.

Day 1: Arrive late afternoon. Stack LL for evening at HS.

Day 2: EP (with G+ and ILL) 9am-4pm; DS for Drawn to Life and dinner at Boathouse.

Day 3: EP 9:30am -11am for GoftG ILL and VQ (ILL only if we don’t get an early BG); MK (with G+) 1pm-5pm and 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

Day 4: Fishing at CR 10 am-Noon; HS (with G+) 2pm-9pm

Day 5: Check out of BLT; MK (with G+) 10am-Noon; AK for Everest only (sorry @OBNurseNH) 1:30pm-2:30pm; Check in to HRH. Pool time.

Day 6: Highlights of both parks at UOR (kids first time).

Day 7: Departure

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What would the family think of forgoing EE for more MK time? You lose a lot of time in that transportation time for a single ride.

You also may not need to leave MK on day 3 if people seem to still have steam. Your kids are getting bigger I noticed (!); and just some slower touring midday May keep you all in the park???

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We skipped AK last trip and the kids specifically asked if we could go to AK this trip just to ride Everest. AK is their least favorite park overall, but they love Everest. I’d be fine with either staying at MK or going to AK so I may just let them decide at the time what they want to do.

Good point. Yes, they may be fine without leaving MK. We are staying at BLT so it is easy to walk back and forth. Another game time decision.

Yes, it is amazing how fast it goes.

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