Help me plan a Resort Hop?

Hi all!
We are 35 days away as I type this. :tada:
Would you help me with a rough plan on a resort hop?
We are staying 11/26-12/01 at PoP. Our resort hop day is planned for 11/30, Thursday. We would like to see all the gingerbread and try some lounges on the monorail.
Last year there were gingerbread animals at AKL, so I wondered if an early morning and a breakfast at Boma would be a good starting point? I could bus to AK and then bus to AKL and still make an 8am reservation, right?
Then maybe bus to HS and get on a boat? We’ve never been on a Disney boat or ferry.
But after this, I’m overwhelmed. Where do we go? What do we see first? We have all day and evening, as we are not leaving until Friday. We want to snack and try drinks, but not over indulge on the drinks, of course. So really, zig-zag, bus around, whatever we need to do.
My goals-
Boardwalk for the carousel
GF for the house, Enchanted Rose
Poly for Trader Sam’s or Tiki
Contemporary for the castle, Steakhouse71 lounge or the other lounge they have

The transportation is bonus fun, as we have not done boats or monorail before. The EP resort area will be bonus, we have not explored those, or the monorail resorts.
Please help??:smiling_face:

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I suggest you also include going to WL to see their great Christmas decor, often including a gingerbread cabin. To get there, after BW you could bus to MK then boat to WL.

Knowing the resort monorail goes from MK to CR to TTC to Poly to GF to MK, you could let your resort hopping follow the same order.

Boat from WL to CR (it’s finally back!).
Monorail CR to Poly
Monorail Poly to GF
Either bus to HS, Skyliner to Pop
or monorail to MK, bus to Pop

But I’m sure there are many other ways to do these things.

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I did not know about WL including a cabin! I’m making notes!!

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I did some more digging. The one at WL debuted in 2019 (that’s when I saw it). It has not been back since - yet. I don’t know if it will be back for 2023. Even so, WL decorated for Christmas is very nice - especially if that’s your style of cozy. Also, if you haven’t explored WL before, you should also take time to see the Carolwood Pacific Railway Room in the Boulder Ridge Villas building. Lots of memorabilia in a quiet area.


Consider Uber/Lyft/Minnie van… Start there for transportation to AKL. While the bus will work, it will be time consuming.

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Thanks for the advice!

It doesn’t look like they’re doing WL this year - but I agree with @mkmuzzy that the holiday vibe over there is just super cozy and wonderful.


I’m happy to see announcements are starting to trickle in!

Here’s the full list of this morning’s announcements:


There is a carousel in the Boardwalk lobby…but it is always there and not holiday related. Last year, they had a gingerbread house themed after the Boardwalk Deli. (And you could try to find all the hidden Mickeys on it.)

Not sure if they will do the same this year…

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It’s the Beach Club that does the gingerbread & chocolate carousel, which has always been my favourite - even more than the GF gingerbread house.

The tree at the Yacht Club has also been great and I can’t wait to find out what their gingerbread creation will be. I wondered about a Pirate Galleon or something else related to SAB.

And I would definitely include WL for the tree, even without gingerbread.

If I were to plan an order of travel to include both gingerbread trail and lounges - what would you suggest? Start at AK early morning?
I know Trader Sam’s starts at 3 or 4 and there is usually a line or a list.

Do you have children with you? The Trader Sam’s list stacks up quickly, early…but the later you go (if you have that flexibility) the easier it is. However, they don’t allow children after 8pm.

Not this trip, just DH and myself! So, would planning for Trader Sam’s later in the evening be ideal?
We are going the week after Thanksgiving, at one time that was not a horrendously busy period. But now :woman_shrugging:t3: