Happily Ever After - Train Station Platform


I am trying to find out if anyone has recently been able to view the HEA Fireworks from the Train Station Platform at the front of the park.

I tried the last two trips, most recently early December, and was told it was not open, and the stairs were roped off. But I’ve seen others report that they were allowed to view from the platform recently.




A friend just observed the show from there on maybe Thursday or Friday last week

I have viewed it from there not all that long ago myself

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It’s been awhile since we did this. Can someone refresh my memory on a strategy?

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Arrive early?

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Thank you, I will keep my fingers crossed for my April trip!

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Ha! Thanks! I thought I recalled in the way distant pass some trick about roped off steps on one side or the other and when it got close to show time they opened that side and you could go up and sit on the top steps. Maybe it was a Disney fever dream!

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Oh I don’t know about that. I only know that when I have done it I’ve arrived about 30ish minutes ahead and gone right up. I promise I wasn’t being flip LOL. Just sort of confused because there’s no real strategy involved! It’s a great view up there!


We entered MK after HEA had already started last Friday. The steps on the theater side were roped off but we were able to go up the other side. We were hoping to get on the train as they ended but the train doesn’t run during or after FW’s so we left to get to Tron before the crush of people made it impossible.


The trains usually stop about 6:00 pm currently per WDW’s site. Sorry, it doesn’t look like the trains run after dark. :frowning_face:

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Yeah you would think I would know that :rofl:


Well, it was only 6 shifts (kind of). Can’t expect you to have absorbed it all in such a short tenure


I didn’t think you were!! I thought you were just saying “this is the way”

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Oh and I just remembered that the train hadn’t officially opened again yet on my last shift!




Perhaps time for @ThorKat to re-apply see if she can get her old position back? But maybe the same deal, where she gets scheduled only once every other month but gets the perks?