Halloween/Christmas switch

hey gang! So I’m looking at my WDW plans and I realize we are leaving on 10/31. Out of curiosity, is the switch to Christmas decorations the night from 10/31 to 11/1? Because, if it is, I am seriously considering extending the vaca by a day to see that switch. It would be a bucket list thing for me!
Thanks again for all your planning help as always!


Yep. As soon as the last guest leaves MK after the last Halloween party, the staff works overnight to make the change. Here’s one video from a couple years ago that shows it, including a time-lapse of much of it.


So glad you shared this! Made me happy :blush:


Do you think that this is a definite this year on the 31st though? The first Christmas party is not until November 8.


Yes, I do think that will happen this year - but it may not have the tree up yet! :sob: They had the MK tree up right away in 2021 (like the video above) and 2022, but the video below shows what they had (and didn’t have) in 2023. I don’t know if the tree will be there on the first day this year, or if it takes a couple days.

That one week gap between the last MNSSHP and the first MVMCP is very typical, but the changeover is still overnight.


MK is the first place to get decorated for Christmas. It’s a more gradual process for all the other parks and hotels. They are fully decorated by Thanksgiving.


So to update everyone, we extended our trip. Doesn’t usually take much to convince me to extended. We were supposed to drive home on 10/31 and now we are leaving 11/2. We booked at Boardwalk for 2 nights. It will be our first time staying there! I’m excited because we get to click off 2 Disney bucket list items. Seeing the transition from Halloween to Xmas and staying at Boardwalk.
Not to get too emotional, but I’ve been going to the Boardwalk since it opened with my family. My dad loved the ESPN restaurant and just how peaceful the boardwalk is. He used to always say, we are going to stay here someday. I grew up very blue collar so, we could not afford to stay there. As i kid, I never enjoyed Boardwalk evenings bc I wanted to be in the park - but my dad always insisted. We would go to the store, sit by the water, etc.
Well, my dad died unexpectedly about 2 years ago.
So, I getting to stay at the Boardwalk and see this transition of holidays feels special to me.
Thank you all for your answers and for always helping me plan since I became a member 13 years ago :heart:


Glad you have made your trip. As really hope you enjoy it. As be safe and have fun.

The Boardwalk is super special! We love it there and the evening vibes are the best.