Hallo-Dream Trip Report! 10/13-17

I can’t see a way to add brunch yet but I’ll keep trying. I was able to see our dining rotation which is good because my Dad wanted to make sure he wasn’t missing Royal Palace for his Palo dinner. They will miss the Enchanted Garden. We got Animator’s Pallet twice which is what I was hoping for. But oddly it is the first two nights in a row.


Usually the repeat is on Pirate night. So I’m guessing Pirate night is night 2 if you’re repeating Animator’s. We had Animator’s on our pirate night on the Dream and I LOVED it in there. They have the screens that add so much atmosphere to the Piratey-ness.


I just looked through a couple of Navigators from the Dream and they’ve all listed a “Dining Desk” Midship Deck 3 (so the atrium) open from 12:30-3:30pm. So that’s where you’d want to go in search of Palo.


Such a great feeling to get that first view of the ship when you arrive.


Yes, we were on the Dream…I’ve started a trip report but that report is currently stalled before our Bermuda day. We took a Taxi to Horseshoe Bay beach with a stop at Sea Glass Beach on the way. Horseshoe Bay Beach is beautiful, the weather was perfect, water temperature perfect, sand soft and ideal for sand castles, very flat/gently sloping beach, waves big enough to be fun but not worry-about-the-kids big, very little undertow, crystal clear water and drinks from the beach bar deliciously rummy. Eventually, I’ll finish my trip report and will put more details and pictures there. I’m excited to see what @melcort10 gets up to in Bermuda!


Ok I think we are about to leave and we are relaxing on the verandah for a bit before dinner! If I disconnect from the ship “WiFi” then I still have cell service.

I’m going to leave you all in suspense as we pull out but we are missing a bag which is unfortunate. DH just went down in search of it. We are all about 95% sure it got on the ship but now I’m second guessing myself. Hopefully the tag just fell off.

My mother had the room decorated for the boys. Carson turned 5 last week and Miles will be 8 in a couple weeks so they are sharing.

We toured the kids club and I got an awesome video of both boys driving the Millennium Falcon!




Ok this makes sense! I’m excited for it. We ended up bailing on Palo. Next time!

Also, the pools are SO warm! It’s gorgeous here in NYC. 65 and sunny! Kids went in both pools and the kid slides. Only got out when they closed for the muster drill. (Which Disney needs to revamp. Come on. Every single kid was hot and cranky standing on that deck.)

Bye, bye New York!!


Did you have anything electronic with a plug in the missing bag that they would need to inspect? We travel with some small air purifiers and I always put them in bags with things that I know we won’t need until day 2 so that when they take the time they need to inspect it, we’re not missing anything critical. Both cruises those bags showed up much later in the afternoon/evening than the rest of the bags.

Otherwise, I hope it’s just missing a tag!!


Ok you are making me feel better! My first concern was how did it get separated from all the others. It’s all the toiletries so maybe that was it.

So funny story. Remember my selfie from where we parked our car? Well flipping through the channels there is a “bridge cam”. Got to make sure nothing was going on with my van! :rofl:

The boys want pictures with the Statue of Liberty and then we head down to dinner!


Have all the fun!! I list this thread and just found it again just in time!! :tada:


We’re back!

Got home Tuesday afternoon but I had to catch up on life things. We had just an amazing time. As I 100% expected, it was too short! Spoiler alert, I did book a placeholder. We will definitely be back on a Disney cruise. Not sure when but it will definitely be repeated.


Did you get that missing bag?! :slight_smile:


Oh, YES! It took like another half hour. I think it just got a little separated.


Ok I have lots of thoughts but I guess it will be easiest to go in chronological order. Loved cruising out of NYC! Getting there was very easy. My DH is comfortable driving in cities but this was mostly parkway and then suddenly we were at the terminal. We arrived at around 11am I think. I did hear that the terminal parking did sell out around 2pm so I’m glad we arrived early.

Our PAT was 12:15 so we bummed around the terminal a little bit but they started calling the 11:30 PATs at like 11:20 and then kept rolling pretty quickly. Passport checks and things were very smooth. According to my phone we were in line to meet the big man himself at 12:20! (Also my parents had a 12:30 PAT but they were let through with us.)

One child likes pictures but one does not…

I got a GoPro for my birthday so I got tons of videos and I eventually will capture still pictures from them as well. I definitely got the kids dancing as they called our name to welcome us aboard!


I think the photopass was worth it!


So excited to hear all you have to share–I’ve been waiting for your report! Eight days till we board. . .


Our first stop was Mr. Mickey Mouse and he had JUST pulled in so we only waited a couple of minutes. (Reader, this would NOT be the case later in the cruise.)

Next stop was the kid’s club since it was right around the corner from Mickey. Now I had a lens of “How is DCL different than RCL?” throughout the whole trip and I didn’t want to do this but I felt like I just couldn’t help it. I think I will summarize that at the end but this was the first noticeable difference to me that the kid’s club on DCL was low (5th deck mid/aft) whereas RCL was up high (14 forward). But it VERY quickly became the DSs home away from home!

We were on very early so there were very few people in the club. They did two rounds of driving this hunk of junk.

It was such an incredibly cool space.

These handwashers were a huge highlight lol.

See the little sticks on the ceiling in the picture below? They are a tiny bit hard to see. But these are the magic band trackers for the kids. They get a red cruise magic band for the cruise ($13 to keep if you don’t return it) that they wear in the kids club. When you pick them up they look on the screen to see where the kids are and call the closest counselor. It’s neat to see the billion dollar technology in use and it makes me feel like they are so underutilized in WDW.


My kids could live in there too! So glad they loved it so much!

Neat that you paid attention to the exact mechanics of how they track the kids. I knew they did and knew it was related to the Magic Band they give them but didn’t ever find out or notice the trackers. It made me feel very comfortable about the Kids Club experience in general knowing they had that much tabs on them in the space.

Those handwashers are crazy cool! I wish all schools would use them!!!


As our kids were just running around during the open house we had a loooong chat with one of the cast members who showed us all this stuff. It was a cool tour. I think I got some video footage also but we got a preview of the crafts too.

In terms of safety, funny story. Once we had my Dad drop off our older son. Now on embarkation day the whole club is “open house” which means anyone can come in but the counselors are not supervising them. Throughout the cruise one side or the other (lab vs club) will go on open house for a couple of hours but the other side is open for drop off. I think this is to help kids get comfortable with going in WITH their parents and also to let grownups see the space. Anyway, DS7 wanted the lab side which was on open house. So my Dad just left him! Hahahaha. He was fine, he is almost 8 and very independent. I knew that there was no way he would leave. We went down after about an hour to check him into the club. I can’t say I would have felt the same about any other place! Certainly not at WDW.