Getting a "surprise" Guardians VQ for someone

Got this question in an email.

We have two groups of people: Group 1 is persons A, B, and C. Group 2 is persons D and E.

Everyone is friends on MDE with everyone else, with trip-planning permissions in MDE.

Group 2 doesn’t know Group 1 is going to meet them in EPCOT.

Group 1 wants to get Guardians VQs for everyone as a surprise.

Group 1 can (obviously) make those VQ reservations for Group 2.

When those VQs are obtained, does MDE automatically notify Group 2? Because that would spoil the surprise.

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I’ve had others make VQs before for me and I don’t know until I go in the app to see what my day looks like.

Though as I’m saying this I am wondering if my notifications settings might inhibit a notification I might otherwise receive.

So - no, but with a caveat

Edited: have just checked my settings for MDE and I have notifications allowed with badges and banners and even a marching band. So no notification.


That must be really annoying in church! :laughing:


Apart from the notification aspect though, if anyone from Group 2 tried to get a VQ, they’d be told they weren’t eligible. I assume it might tell them something like “you may only obtain one VQ per day for this ride”.

And as soon as they went into their day on MDE it would show up.


Fortunately I don’t go to church :smiley:

Yes this for sure.

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It will not notify them but it will show in their plans. And if they try to obtain one themselves, it will say that they are only allowed one per day.

(I’ve been on both sides of this scenario)


They would also be notified if notifications are enabled and their BG is called. If they use BG1 most likely that notification would take place during EE.


That’s true. Hadn’t crossed my mind,

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I hear this all the time but not once have I ever received a push notification of a BG group getting called. Which is part of why the VQs are annoying to me - I have to self-monitor advancement toward my group.


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I get them - and I have android


Me neither, nor DS who has been more than I have.

I put it down to the international phone number but DS and DH both had US SIM cards and didn’t get them either. We all got notifications that it was time to check in for an ADR etc , so we must have had notifications enabled correctly.



See! Disney doesn’t hate Android


Once Group 1 gets the VQ, they can send Group 2 a message “Surprise! We got VQ for you. Enjoy your day.”
That would help eliminate any questions that may arise if there are notificaton or if they notice the VQ in their plans. Then, Group 1 can still show up and surprise them.


Have also experienced both sides of this.

Sometimes I never get the push notification but yes in a perfect world they would get it. :wink:

This is a good idea


They pop up on the home screen of my iPhone. No noises or vibrations. I see them if i pick up my phone and it is in the lock screen.


Yeah I don’t get anything. Nothing.


The wonders of Disney IT. When I think of Disney IT, I picture it looking something like the scene in the Jungle Cruise with the monkeys.


DS and I both get them - UK sims, both iPhones.

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Same. USA iPhone.

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Thank you all for this!

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