My FPP day is approaching and I’m looking for insight for planning our AK day. DD5 is going to be too little for both FOP and EE. We have a party of 6.
How should I approach fast passes for AK? Shpuld I schedule her with the rest of us just to keep us all on the same page? Should I just schedule her 1 in advance and play the rest by ear day of?
Thanks for any suggestions!
What FPPs would you prioritize for her? A lot of AK seems to be pretty available day of in my experience, with the exception of FOP and NRJ (which are doable but risky and take a bit of work).
She will do anything that she is tall enough for. So, I guess I’m not really sure. Obviously, she can’t ride anything alone, and we definitely want to ride everything with her as a group.
This will be our first time at AK, so I’m not sure what to expect or how to plan for her. We’ll be booking fast passes for AK at 60+6.
My thought is, that if I only schedule 1 for her in advance (like KS for example) I can likewise schedule that as our 3rd. Any fast passes past that, she’d still be eligible for, including NRJ if we were able to land that… I think?
That’s what I would do. Book FOP, EE for all who can ride. Then book KS for the entire group. The other FPPs at AK are pretty available in my experience or pretty easy to hit with low waits on a touring plan.
For NRJ, it is a much easier rope drop than FOP so you could do that rather than having to try to get the FPP during a drop time.
Alternatively, if not everyone wants to ride FOP (that was the case with my group - sister was pregnant so couldn’t) those who do want to ride FOP could get there early to ride at RD. Then you could do FPP for NRJ for everyone.
Thanks a bunch! I think we will do this, but rope drop Navi. Thay way, our first ride of the day can be together.
NRJ is a beautiful ride that your DD5 will appreciate. It seems to get a bad rap for some reason but my whole group loved it. I like your idea of RD NRJ b/c I think you could get a FP for FOP at 60 + 6 and that would make it a much easier day if you don’t have to worry about RD it. Also, I wanted to point out that I was surprised that Disney let me ride on a FP with my DD7 (last Thanksgiving) when the adult who was supposed to ride with her didn’t show up in time. I was telling her she had to go by herself (to alien swirling saucers) but they asked me how old she was and said that kids under 8 can have an adult go with them even if the adult isn’t on the FP. This was a nice surprise, especially since I wasn’t sure she was willing to get on by herself. So, I think this is a WDW policy, although if you wanted to plan for it you might want to ask them in case something changed. (I had planned for 4 of our group to do TOT which she didn’t want to do, and for my friend and her to do the other ride.)
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