FOP and a kid on the cusp

I’ve heard of CMs asking kids with obviously high shoes to remove their shoes before being measured. I’ve never seen it in person, though.

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Right before us on RNR there was a mom with her daughter who was just too short to ride. After they measured her (with her starting off on her tiptoes) they had mom and daughter go with a cast member to a separate room to measure. She ended up being too short, so they let mom and dad do ride swap.
I would just make sure you measure in the shoes right before you go, and prep your kiddo that hey may be too short. I think knowing the possibility going in will help your kiddo. :slightly_smiling_face:

Its a great word to drop nonchalantly at a party :slight_smile:

It makes sense for them to do that when the shoes are obviously high. I’ve never seen it happen either though.

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Well I’d love people to think I’m smarter than I really am. I must create a cheat card to carry around with me. Give me more of these fancy words. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:‍♀

Do FoP first thing in the morning, everyone shrinks a bit as the day goes on. DD10 didn’t believe me last year so we measured her as soon as she got up without shoes, then before bed same way= 1/4 inch shorter.

I am sure that you only need people to recognize that you are as smart as you are – and that is tough enough in our world!!!

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