Flying question

I have not flown since 2019 and I always have checked my bag. I will only have a personal item and a carry on for my upcoming trip. I have read through the TSA carry on restrictions, so I should be fine with most of this, but what do y’all do with, say, hair products? I’m thinking of my DD with lots of curls who uses certain items. I have not been able to find them in small containers. I could just buy them anew at Walgreen’s when we get to our destination, but I thought I’d ask here how people handle that kind of thing.

I’m hoping the hotel has shampoo and condition. I will have to buy lotion at Walgreen’s or somewhere.
Thank you!


Repackage them into TSA approved bottles/containers or buy new on arrival. Or I just opt to skip it (whatever it is) for the duration of vacation, but I’m not your frou frou product driven girl so I’m probably not a great yardstick there.


That’s probably the easiest/cheapest option. Target/Walmart have travel sections with bottles 3oz and under.


This is what we do. I use hair gel, which also isn’t available in small containers. So we bought a bunch of TSA approved ones. Works fine.

Some airports have stopped even having you take liquids out as they update to the new scanners. But you still have to prepared just in case.


If you look on Amazon, they have tons of containers for liquids that are TSA size approved. I’ve not stayed in a hotel that does not have shampoo, conditioner, and body wash so I never pack those. Most hotels (outside of Disney ones) have lotion at the hotel as well.


The only thing about the hotel shampoos - and I’ve opted to use them (specifically and most recently on my trip to Africa) - is that they are not often super good quality and my hair does not like them. So except for that one trip where I was severely limited in luggage allowance shampoo and conditioner is the one thing I almost always bring.


Ok - I think my nurse brain was thinking that products had to be in the original packaging. I did not think about just putting them into smaller containers. Thank you all for such rapid responses!

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Plus, sometimes hotels only carry two-in-one shampoo/conditioner and that does not work well for me!


This is a good point, too. My hair is pretty forgiving with products, but I need a real conditioner to get a comb through it, and my DD absolutely needs that.

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I absolutely need my special hair stuff (hotel products don’t cut it) in the FL humidity and pool chlorine but also like carry on only. Like others, I bought a set of approved-size containers at Amazon and just transferred from my larger bottles.

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Only if it’s a prescription. I use a medicated shampoo.

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No matter which travel container you chose to use, I’d strongly recommend putting them inside a plastic baggie. I have some that never leaked until one trip they did, but I’m paranoid and always use baggies.


I know that’s what they say but I’ve never had them check my prescriptions and I always take what I need (out of the bottle) and leave the rest at home.


May I recommend silicone reusable zipper bags?

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I was just going to recommend silicone travel bottles like these. I used to hate travel bottles but love these. They are easy to fill and get all the product out so you don’t waste product. I love them, which is funny to say about a travel container

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Are those the flat kind? Those take up less space too!


I hate waste with anything and I had actually wondered about that.

They are flatish. They are nicely compact.


just ordered - thank you!
she and I can use the same shampoo and conditioner, and then one each for hair products.

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I like any of the silicone bottles with a rigid platic top. The rigid platic holds the opening open to put the product in easily but the soft silicone lets you squeeze all the product back out.