Flight bumped... First day is 2 or 3pm entry on a Monday Oct 30... which Disneyland Genie+ first?

Hello, a flight was bumped and now we have to do a late entry on Monday around 2 or 3pm Oct 30 for Disneyland (single park). How would you prioritize Genie+?

I was thinking Space Mountain but I suspect the 120 min window is going to bite into the day. And if the Touring Plan video is right, then I need to maximize things before 7:30ish for availability. Potentially. Thanks.


With a late entry day, if you’ll have other days to try for Space, I would focus on churning through LL’s with closer to immediate return times. The highest priority I would try to start with would be Matterhorn or Big Thunder. Star Tours would also an excellent choice. You should be able to pick up at least two of those three (and possibly all 3 depending on crowds) and then churn through Autopia, Buzz, small world pretty quick if interested in riding those. You could look for some drop times to get one of the higher priority LL’s (Indy, Haunted Mansion Holiday, Space), but I would definitely focus on getting the middle to lower priority ones & then modifying whatever one you have at a drop to one of the higher priority ones.


Ditto on this advice!

Alternativelu, if you haven’t already bought Genie+ for length of ticket, you could skip getting it this day and ride non-LL rides that evening and focus on entertainment.


Check La Cava for drops. Most headliners have a drop every hour. You could get a drop, use it, and book a lower priority, that’s immediate as you wait for the next drop.

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I also agree with lolabear and Jeff.


It was recently reported that Space Mountain is closing September 18th and is reopening “mid-Fall” so keep in mind that Space Mountain may not be available for your trip. No end date yet.

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Thanks for all the advice and comments from everyone. The short Genie+ times and rushing through them does make sense to maximize the number of rides. We will have Genie+ already for all days. I’m hopeful for Space Mountain getting back on line. It will be a close shave. I’m concerned Small World will be down for a Holidays make over. :s Nice thing is general attendance estimates seem nice and low. Hopefully be able to exit Pirates and then run back on. lol.

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small world is usually down that last week of October. It depends on when they want the Holiday version to be live (usually 1st or 2nd Friday of Nov & it takes about 2-2.5 weeks to get the overlay installed). I would count on small world being down if you’re going starting the 30th.

On a positive note, it’s my sister-in-law’s family’s favorite week to go because it’s a very nice clear uncrowded week & you’ll start the week with Halloween decorations up and literally overnight Main St will be completed un-Halloweened & turning over to Christmas and everyday you’ll see more & more Christmas up. Also, the weather that time of year is some of my favorite sunny but not too hot California weather.