First time Epcot plan

You all were so helpful with my DHS plan, I wanted to get your thoughts on Epcot. First trip with kids 6 and 11. We’ll have early entry and CL is estimated at 6. Early entry is 830, official opening at 9.

We’ll be driving, so entering through the main entrance. Since we’re going through the main entrance and are not the fastest walkers, I was thinking trying to RD Remys didn’t make sense, because I thought I’d end up too far back.

My plan currently, is to grab virtual Boarding group for GoG and use that whenever our group is, and try to get a first LL for Remys which I would then modify to be later. At 11 try to get a LL for FEA

We would try to RD TT, then head over to Soarin, and then JIYI. We’d then go back and do the rest of World of Nature. We’d then go and try to standby SpaceshipEarth and Mission Space (some of us).

Then head to WS and get food use the LLs from earlier in the day to hit FEA and Remys and generally explore.

I think this plan gets me to WS later than I would like. I am wrestling with trying to RD FEA and Royal Sommerhaus, and then at 11 I could probably pick up and immediately use lightning lanes for the rides in World Discovery.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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TT is another ride that often has a lot of down time–not to the level of ROTR, but for me, enough to make me not want to try for it at rope drop. Our family has often had success heading to FEA when doing early entry rope drop-then you could grab a Genie+ LL for TT later on. That’s my 2 cents-others may disagree.

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Epcot is a difficult park to get done in a day. We usually see it as a two day minimum park. So you have to prioritize.

You might be trying to accomplish too much of, in fact, you want to spend time in WS. There is a lot to see in WS, aside from shopping (and FEA and Remy). The films in China and Canada are absolutely worth doing. BatB sing-along is fun, although probably skippable. The American Adventure show is really moving…better than HoP at MK IMHO.

I would skip JIYI, personally…and even TT. It is fun enough, but really only briefly. It doesn’t have the return on investment to be worth waiting for compared to many of the other rides. (Mission:Space is far more fun than TT.)

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Also, if you have never been, keep in mind that Epcot is very big. In terms of walking, it is the largest of the four parks (AKL is larger by land, but not the walkable footprint). So, balancing Lightning lane timing with where you are in the park will be the trick. You don’t want to be in France, say, when your LL for Spaceship Earth comes up, because that is a long walk.

I find it best to try to break up the day into areas. Do the former Future world area, trying to keep to one side or the other, so that you arrange your ride times into there areas. World Discovery, World Nature/Celebration, and then World Showcase. Which order you tackle those is up to what works for your plans.

I’d likely RD Soarin’, then do LWTL, Spaceship Earth, and then hit World Discovery next. From there, work around World Showcase starting on the China/Mexico side.

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This would be my suggestion.

Another great point.

Be very intentional with your plan. With the exception of the headliners (FEA, Remy, TT and GotG) all other lines are managable with a level 6 crowd. I would rather wait 10-15 extra mins in line then do a lot of park crossing And once you get your Remy and TT LLs and are eligible for the 3rd- chances are you will have a very near return time. Bunch attractions/ rides accordingly.


It’s true that Epcot is very large but I find that with G+ it’s no problem getting everything done in a day.

I like rope dropping FEA and getting the first LL for Remy: FEA a longish walk from both the front of the park and from IG, and the further you walk the more people tear off left and right to rope drop other rides, which makes it less stressful. We’ve managed to walk right on even when we arrived only 10 min before EE/were not at the front of the RD crowd. I’ve never tried to rope drop TT, but I think if you’re coming from the front of the park you would know if it’s not up if you don’t hear the car noise - then you could decide on the spot whether or not to skip it?

After FEA (or TT, whichever you decide) I think I would head straight back over to GotG (with BG1 you will, well, get BG1 and be among the first groups called) - you can go anytime after your group is called, but unless you go during the first hour of the day you’ll likely stand in line for 45 min or more. You can ride anything in the front of the park with short lines until you’re eligible for your next LL and then tap and go. Then get TT if still shortish return time or wait for a drop. You could even reride FEA by grabbing it in a drop later on.

My kids are similar ages. They LOVE GoTG, Remy, Soarin, the Aquarium at the Seas and Pixar short films (so cute, and there’s a Mickey meet in the building that tends to have a short line because many people don’t know it’s there). They liked the 360 China film the first time they saw it, so the following visit we tried Canada and they got a bit bored. One thing we haven’t managed to do and I think they’d be super excited about is eating or snacking in the Space 220 lounge (the restaurant only has a pricey prix fixe menu), mainly for the experience and maybe the drinks with pop rocks :slight_smile: If you think your kids would be into that, try getting an ADR for the lounge. San Angel Inn inside the Mexico pavillion also looks so fun cause you see the Three Caballeros boats go by, my kids have asked to eat there but somehow we always end up at either the food booths or Via Napoli…


My suggestion would be to:

(1) Grab Remy LL at 7:00 am. Do you have a second adult with you who can book the BG for Guardians at 7:00 am while you book Remy LL (or vice versa)?
(2) RD FEA at Early Entry
(3) Either (a) use Remy before 11:00 am in which case you can then book TT LL before the 11:00 LL rush and get an earlier LL window for TT or (b) Get TT LL at 11:00 am (and modify at the drop to try to get an earlier TT time if your time is too late in the day)
(4) Try to get an early BG for Guardians so that if your family loves it, you may be able to still get an ILL for later in the day and ride a second time. Guardians is my kids (ages 6 and 8) favorite ride in all of WDW.

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I think your first instinct is the right one. I’d avoid trekking all the way over to FEA at RD and then back to World Nature, etc and then back over to WS.

It’s been said already but Epcot is so big. And I forget every time I go and am surprised it takes so long to walk from place to place there. :laughing: Just keep that in mind with expectations for how much you can accomplish. My kids and I spent 11 hours straight in EP in August and hit up plenty, but missed out on a few things.

TT is the most unreliable at park open I think but it’s also the ride that shuts down in rain and takes a long time to reopen. So….you just have to weigh the odds I guess. Take the chance at RD and if it’s up and running great! Or don’t RD but then watch the weather real close and hope there isn’t rain!

Otherwise I think your attack plan sounds good with snagging/modifying Remy and FEA for later. With TT and Soarin’ done first thing the other rides will likely not be terrible line wait wise.

This has been our experience as well. We did test out riding with our BG1 right at park open instead of waiting and then rode again later with an ILL. Our total experience time was quicker using our BG first thing than our later experience time with our ILL. In the middle of the day though, an ILL will always get you through much faster as the queue can get pretty backed up.

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If you’re willing to stay all day, here’s what worked for us last weekend:
7 am book GotG VQ (got BG 7) and FEA (got 9:20)

EE Rope drop TT; as we exited VQ was called around 8:45
(my backup plan if TT was not running was to ride Soarin’ first and try to get TT LL later on)
GotG- walk on
Coffee stop at Joffrey’s stand
Mexico boat ride
FEA; book Soarin’ then modified for later
Continued touring World Showcase
Stopped for a break in Italy and booked Remy around 1:45 when some new LL’s were dropped; continued touring WS
Rode Remy when we got to France
Then finished WS and worked our way clockwise through the rides in the front of the park.
Then we had dinner in Mexico and watched fireworks.
It worked out great!