OK. So I get the whole refresh idea but we’re a family of 4 with 2 dustbins. Because of having to split the party to get a better chance will you not lose the FP+ you have if you can’t get suitable times for riders 2, 3 and 4? Presumably this is just a risk of the refresh trick? The idea of letting the dustbin lids loose on their own in WDW is frightening!
When you try and change an fp time, you can select the person that you want to modify for. So you could try modifying for 1, 2, 3 or 4 people in the party. You won’t lose any. You have to confirm the new time before it actually updates.
Yep. But if I can’t find any for 4 or 3 and do for 2 and then accept those you then run the risk of not getting another FP+ for the remaining 2. If you see what I mean. Just pot luck I guess. Might happen on a signature attraction like 7DMT less likely on Buzz or Pirates.
I see what you mean. Yes, that’s the drawback. I haven’t tried doing it for one at a time, I always try for everyone who wants one together.
Still a good trick though! Going in August. Previous years it’s not been that successful for us so hoping to score a few more this time. Just ha eve to be a bit more pragmatic over all 4 of us together. Thanks for replying.