We are going are going to the Party this year, but aren’t going to any parks during the day. We have Park Passes for 7 Days, but will be there for 8 Days. That being said, will we be able to schedule Fast Passes for the Magic Kingdom when we enter the park at 4:00pm?
I’m pretty sure you can. Have you linked your tickets in My Disney Experience? Are you staying onsite or offsite? If you’re staying onsite then you’ll have all the days of your stay open up starting at 60 day from your check-in day. If you’re staying off-site, then you should have a rolling 30 day window, and it will let you schedule FastPasses on the same number of days as your tickets. They don’t have to be consecutive. I hope I’ve gotten all of this correct. Maybe someone else will chime in with verification.
I agree. It should work, I think that’s how we did it last year. Just don’t scan your MB to enter park; use your mvmcp ticket.
That is what I was wondering is how to use the FPP without it taking a day off my tickets. Would I also tap the MVMCP ticket at the tapstile or would I use my MB to utilize the FPP? I am curious if this will work or not.
I think we used our MBs. Of course last year was during the testing, so things could work differently this year.