Fall Homeschool Trip - special events & great discount!

I don’t understand that concept.


…maybe you should’ve took a class to learn how… :smiley:

I did. But then I got ensnared by a cult.

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Thanks for the detailed answer. You clearly have homeschooled very successfully to get 2 kids into UofM.

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Again, to be clear, my wife really deserves the credit. It wouldn’t matter if I could help or not with Math and Science if she wasn’t such an amazing wife, mother, and teacher! :slight_smile: She does all of the hard work, and direct teaching of subjects like younger math/science, history, English, literature, etc.


So great to hear you say that about your wife! I feel the same way about mine! It sure makes life a lot happier and easier! Though it sounds like you found yours a lot earlier than I did … I got married in my early 40s (and have 2 toddlers now) while from your posts it sounds like you started family life much younger.

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Wow - I walked away and do life for a while and lookee-here.

@JustDianna & @ryan1 have done such an excellent job answering questions.

The early years are grueling. The year I has kids in grades 7, 5, 3, 1, a toddler and was pregnant almost did me in. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But training them to be self-learners has been so rewarding. And the friendships my kids have with their siblings has also been rewarding.

@sanstitre_has_left_the_building - your very concern about kids being indoctrinated in a way you don’t appreciate is what exactly motivates some parents TO homeschool. I think you already know this. For sure I believe in society. And we hope to train our kids to flourish within it and to contribute meaningfully to it without being a product of it.

We were reminded recently to keep politics and religion off TP boards, (though some slide commentary in here and there in little snippets about Epcot). I can’t explain fully what our most important reasons for homeschooling are. But we take very seriously our privilege of talking about what is most important to us as we sit at home and as we walk along the road and when we lie down and get up, and not just having spot conversations about what we believe. I hope to enjoy another 12 years as homeschool mom. I hope to see homeschooled grandchildren as @JustDianna enjoys!

Major perk of homeschooling? OFF-SEASON TRAVEL!!!


Hear, hear!

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It’s hard enough to homeschool, but without a supportive homeschool dad it’s almost set up to fail.

I remember many a night where I’d be up nursing a baby and DH would fold a load of laundry to lighten the next day for me.

And though I work hard to have good dinners for our family day in and day out DH never balked at the occasional scraptastic meal.

Thank you so much for this information.

This trip looks amazing! We’ve already booked our trip for this fall, but I subscribed so we can hopefully join you in the future.



I look forward to you joining us! We do other trips, too. (Just returned from my spring Disney trip, England trip 2 days after that, and will be leaving for my Rocky Mountains Homeschool Retreat tomorrow - then taking a break!) Follow me on Facebook to travel virtually with me and see trip photos: Traveling Homeschoolers


I am new user and I am happy to see some fellow homeschoolers here. I have been following your FB page for a little while now and hope to one day join you on a trip.


@springberry I look forward to you joining us whenever you can!


We’re not candidates for a trip, but as someone who’s been flirting with the idea of homeschooling for two years now, I’m bookmarking this thread.

PM me anytime.

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I am curious, do most children who are homeschooled have one parent who does not work outside of the home? I would assume most home schooled children are not in single parent households.

In our homeschool group I know of two single parent households. It is very challenging, I am sure, but can be done. This may be a good start for evaluating the option. :heart:

This is an interesting link. However, I did not see anything about who does the teaching of a young child while the parent is at work. I think its illegal to leave children under 12 or 14 home alone in some states. This is not a criticism just an obervation.