Fairy Godmailer Public Thread

We are also going in Feb! My 5 and 4 yo kiddos would love a message from the Mouse!


Hello - I took home about a dozen DCL postcards if anyone needs Mickey mail before they set sail! Some are Dream specific but most are generic.


These have been curling but if anyone wants a 50th Mickey, I can put one in an envelope for you.

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Please PM me your address.

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@stlouie WOW!!! My kids were blown away by these cards :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: ah we are so excited!! Thank you so much for the personalization that made this extra special :sob::sob:


Happy to hear you got them and the kids love them! Hope they have a WDW trip filled with pixie :fairy: dust!


They are so perfect!! A thousand thank yous :heart:

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I will be at WDW again beginning January 29th. Let me know if there are kiddos who would like a postcard!

were going mid march for couple weeks if anyone wants a card mailing let me know! Love this idea so much!!


Will PM you now. Thanks!

I’ll be in WDW beginning Match 29th and would love to send some pixie dusted postcards. Please PM, if you would like one.

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A million thanks to @ groovy_gals2000 for sending my friend who got fired a postcard signed by Mickey Mouse.

How incredible.

Will be paying this forward in October.

Thank you!!


Traveling 5/12. DD10 would love this. Very interested in reciprocating.

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Welcome to the Forum! I’ll put a postcard in the mail this week for your DD!

The image of the card looks amazing! How exciting. Thank you for doing this.

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These were stamped and placed into the MK mailbox today.


Wow. Thank you!


Hello! We are new here! We have planned our first family trip to WDW for this June! We will be taking our children DS 12, DD 8, DD 5, and DD 2 for the first time ever! I just stumbled upon this thread and thought it would be so neat for them to receive some Godmail prior to their trip! We would also like to reciprocate the gesture for another family once we go on our trip in June (17th - 25th)

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Welcome to the Forum!

Sent you a PM.