Extended Evening Hours at MK - more crowded?

If we do not plan to stay at MK during EEH from 11-1a (kids are too young to stay up that late), would it be best to avoid MK on that day? I’m thinking more Deluxe guests will be at MK to take advantage of the EEH, but maybe that is not a significant increase in crowds?

ETA - to clarify further we would be hopping to MK for dinner and a few hours of rides before heading back to hotel

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I don’t think there is a notable difference in crowds based on this benefit.

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I haven’t seen any discussion on this. I suspect any difference would be small, but I would recommend looking at wait times (and the time LLs run out) for MK rides on EEH days compared to other days.

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Good to hear from you sir. I’ve not been on here much because parent life is so insane lately. My oldest alone is currently doing piano, baseball, soccer, and flag football. We have no evenings or weekends. :frowning:


Hang in there, friend. It’s exhausting (and I have fewer kids than you and no medical complexities either). But I’m here to tell you it does get better.

And then you’ll find yourselves wondering what to do with all the newfound time you have on your hands :laughing:


Just say no.


(been there :smirk:)


And a bit more :moneybag:

maybe you’re not quite there yet

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Well we aren’t paying for dance classes.
We’ve traded that in for college tuition :blowfish:


I understand. It can be exhausting … but it is also awesome and fun! I often tell DW that we should enjoy it now because we will miss it when the kids are older.

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