Extended deluxe hours & virtual boarding group

Once again coming back to this…… The following applies to all guests staying at a Deluxe resort which includes all DVC resorts, Swan, Dolphin, Swan Reserve and SOG (it might also include include 4 Seasons).

What we know for sure:

Scenario 1
If you have a reservation for the EEH park you are eligible for the 6pm VQ period. Doesn’t matter if you have tapped in or not.

Scenario 2
If you have a park reservation for a different park you MUST have tapped into that park AND have a hopper ticket or AP to be eligible.

Under Scenario 2,

  • If you have already tapped into the EEH park you are eligible for the VQ.

  • If you have not yet tapped into the EEH park you may be eligible for the VQ.
    This is where the inconsistent reports have been since early in 2023. I still think this is a glitch but don’t know if there are common factors involved. The CMs are giving conflicting advice to those who ask (shocker I know :crazy_face:).

I know this won’t answer all the questions, but hopefully it clarifies when things definitely work. To be on the safe side, if you are hoping to the EEH park, make sure to be there before 6pm.


Thanks for summarizing.


Thanks for summary, for my 4Park Day in June I plan to hop over to MK around 4pm just to tap in and then come back around 8pm, my hope is that the tap in at 4pm will save me from getting the error I had in February. I will definitely report back! Ya know if I’m still alive after attempting all 4 parks in one day (the things I agree to for my DS14). Also, can anyone work their magic and give me nice “cool” weather that day in June? I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to the heat —- yes from a South Louisiana gal

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