Expected Ride Availability Fall 2024

I’m working on the TPs for my October trip and was curious how much effort I should put into trying to place the following rides:

RnRC - is there an ETA on when the current refurb will be complete?
Little Mermaid Musical Adventure - latest is still just “fall” but no date, correct?

Tiana will be open.
Test Track down.

Are there any others I’m missing?


The original stated time for RnRC reopening was end of summer. So you should be okay?

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The issue with this one is we don’t know whether Tiana will be (a) stand-by, (b) boarding group, (c) ILL and/or (d) LL+. It makes it hard to plan for MK, especially because Tron (boarding group and ILL) and 7DMT (ILL) may also have their methods impacted.


I put money on a VQ and ILL .

With 7dmt becoming a G+ ride.


I hope this happens. Then we might ride again. I refuse to pay a per person per ride fee for this one for our usual trips (I did with my Mom and Aunt but that’s their one and only trip for a while). If it’s bundled with G-+ and I get G+ on a given day I’d ride.


I think that’s probably right, but it would help with planning to know.

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