Everyone Else Is Doing It... a solo trip report that we all know won't get finished

Current status:

Great ride of the night! Walked up right at 10:59. My feet are super excited that I brought epsom salt for a soak tonight & tomorrow.


This reminds me of a story I didn’t tell in my report. I was nervous before my first time and therefore a little chatty. Talking to the guy getting in next to me and telling him I was afraid of getting motion sick. I realize this talk might make him worried about the situation he could find himself in so totally end the conversation with, “oh don’t worry I promise I won’t throw up on you” :woman_facepalming::rofl: as the ride starts.


I stopped in Starbucks on Main St to get an iced latte for tomorrow, and some creep took a selfie with me in it :peacock:

He generously offered to share his Lyft back to the All Stars… the driver turned on the wrong driveway and we drove right past my room at Sports on the way to Music. Then we chatted way too long and now he gets to skip RD, but I do not. :melting_face:

I’m not skipping my foot soak, though.


He looks very smug right there. Did he charm you with his Cambridge don voice?


It was more in how happily he proclaimed that he’d scammed Disney today :joy:


So… the big day is here! The big knee is, as well… swelled a bit during/after yesterday’s 30k steps. It feels a bit less of an accomplishment and more of a punishment, considering I did 3 parks yesterday, and didn’t even start until noon, had a sit-down dinner, and made a stop back at the hotel.

That’s probably the reason for the big knee, so in light of that (and to keep me from having to skip a whole day to ice it tomorrow), I’m moving the goalpost for today. I’m still doing 4p1d, but instead of 2 rides (one headline), one non-ride, and a food or drink at each park I’m going for 2-3 attractions, sitting down for 30 minutes+, and food or drink at each park.

The first big change to the plan is that I realized while talking to @hufflematt last night that I really don’t need to RD today. I’ve got my 8:00am KS and 11:00 GotG, and I think I’ll do Gorilla Falls and MJT. Breakfast at Y&Y QS.

Current status:


Is this “less” bc it means you can forgo a standby wait if need be and rest your legs more? Because it doesn’t read as less.


And please keep posting! It gets quiet on the weekends around here, I know. But I’m all in now that I realize you’re here and I am one of the few who has more forum time on weekends than weekdays! :roller_coaster:


Good morning! Skipping ahead to follow the big day!


You’ll do great today! Our family’s style is to go hard and hope it all works out (it usually does). I know that’s not always the best strategy but when the decision has been made to go for it, well, go hard!!! :joy:


There’s that, and there’s also a little more opportunity for longer sits if I do more shows.


Safari was okay… almost nothing on the savanna, except 1 giraffe and a few springboks, but then we had some good white rhino spotting (they were following the food truck), and some very vocal lions.

Pics of critters later… off to see gorillas now!


Gorillas were out, but it was hard to get pics in the morning sun.

I tapped on a 4:50 SDD time, but it was gone by the time I got there. I took 6:20, which I can hopefully modify to something a bit earlier.

Everest has not opened yet, so I’m very glad I didn’t try to get here for EE RD. Kali river is also down, so I RDed Y&Y qs.

Current situation:


I did a early safari and had a similar problem, missing several animals. I was surprised the CM didn’t just pretend we hadn’t “found them” she kept saying oh they aren’t out yet which kinda added to the disappointment and just reminded you, this isn’t real, they’re actually kept in holding areas at night.


I’ve had mixed luck… one morning we got held up by some very stubborn and curious giraffes. I think that safari was nearly 40 minutes!

Here are some critters, while I wait for my 30 minutes sit to be up.

Next up: Bugs, then on to Epcot for my 11:00 GotG!


SDD should drop at 1:17


This sounds marvelous. I discovered this last week that a small rest at the opportune moment can work wonders. :star_struck:

Following along to see how the knee fares and taking notes for December. :sunglasses:

Especially since rest and drink has replaced headliners. :smile:


I was just thinking of you… how are your travels?


So far, so good. Had a great time chatting with our family in Alabama last night when we arrived about 9.

Their dog adores my sister and won’t let her quit petting. He’s such a nut. :grin:

We aren’t getting an early start today either but people are important.

And we have fewer miles today. :blush:


That looks good!