Epcot Drinking Passport

:tropical_drink: :wine_glass: http://1drv.ms/1oj0oC6 :beers: :cocktail:

This is my drinking passport I made for our trip (one each for my boyfriend and myself). In the top right under “File”, there is the option to “Save As” to download to your own computer. This allows you to put your name in the Word Art instead of mine, and then print it yourself. The page is optimized and sized for 4x6 matte double-sided photo paper.

Unlike those other drinking passports available online for $10, or even $20, this one is available to you for the low low price of FREEEEE!!! (doesn’t everyone love free?!)

We just had someone from each country sign or write something in their own language when we bought a drink there.


Enjoy! A votre sante!


I really like the idea of writing something in each country’s native language! Thanks for sharing.

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Very Cute idea! Wish we were going kid free so we could both take advantage of it :smile:

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Thanks for sharing

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This is great! Were you crawling at the end?

Haha well we only got through 8 or 9 on our full Epcot day, had to save the last few for our half day a couple days later. Otherwise yes, we probably would have been!

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This is so cute! I’ve seen you post the link to lines but this is the first time I’m seeing it. Very creative!

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Where can I get a copy of this? This link doesn’t work :sleepy:

Hi! I might have a copy of it saved somewhere still. Send me an email to adrake89@hotmail.ca and I’ll try and track it down for you.

What a fun idea!! Next time I talk the BF into a trip, I’m doing this. :slight_smile: (doesn’t feel appropriate with the kiddos … ha!)