“Elizabeth! I’m Comin’ To Join You, Honey!”

Did y’all hear recently the new music for Country Bear Jamboree? (Thread title is a “Sanford and Son” reference in case you didn’t know.)
I … cannot … :eyes:
Please tell me “Momma Don’t Whoop Little Buford” (for example) isn’t gone. @LTinNC82 - we need a petition!! #iamgutted


Scott Gustin mentioned a couple of the songs that are coming — including “Try Everything” from Zootopia, which is a song I love but I have a hard time imagining it being sung in country style. :thinking:


I’m not sentimental about the old repertoire, but if it makes you feel better, they can always do a retro version in 3-5 years from now like they do with Soarin’. Maybe they’ll make even more versions and mix and match songs.


Love the thread title

I’m sure that show is one that would not be acceptable by current societal norms but I used to love the show

Whenever I feel like there’s too much “junk” collecting in our yard I tell DH, “We’re starting to look like Sanford and Son over here!” :rofl:


I just recently made a joke that referenced Sanford and Son to my son, at which point I got a blank stare instead of laughter, which necessitated me not just describing the context, but then having to pull up a YouTube video showing a montage of times Red Foxx did the whole “Elizabeth, I’m comin’ to you” bit.

My son STILL didn’t find it funny.

It is times like those that I realize just how old I really am.


Sounds… interesting. Definitely did not expect countrified Disney songs. I’m really just happy they are keeping my bears period. Will hold judgement til the debut.


A Whole New World works really nicely for Blue Grass. I don’t know whether I have heard a version of it, or can just hear it in my head - but I know exactly what it would sound like.

There was definitely mention when they announced the change of countrifies Disney songs, so Guston’s mention of "classics: is good!

Full disclosure, I haven’t seen country bears since the 1980’s!


This is a travesty!


My family refuses. Maggie went to the Tikki Birds once and told me it aged so poorly she refuses to see the Country Bears (even though she insists we have seen them, but we only walked through the theatre getting candy at MNSSHP). I will make her go with me as soon as the update is finished.


That’s more than me. I’ve never seen them at all.


What? Maybe they are doing away with it being a true country show. I can’t imagine that either.

This is my BiL’s nickname. DHs ring tone for him is the S&S theme song.

You are better than I am then…


Well, here’s a look at how they did it.


I think it’s pretty good.


She is super cute and sounds great.
But that version of “Try Everything” did not sound Country. However, I look forward to how it fits The Bears. Meanwhile, I reminisce on lyrics like: “Everytime I meet a guy who gets me shook. All I ever get from him is a dirty look.” :joy:
Thank you for sharing this info, sir. I look forward to your TR next week. :heart:


Yeah, I’m not a country expert, but I think I agree. We’ll have to wait and see how it all works, I guess.

Thank you! I’m really looking forward to sharing our trip. :blush:


Everything can be sung country or blue grass. It is one of DH’s favorite genre of Tik Toks.


This sounds forced to be country. Its still very much pop with the addition of some country strings instrument and a little change at the end of some lines to sound country.
No bad- but it feels forced.
I also don’t understand how it fits with the attraction.


You don’t think? I think it does

I don’t know whether I like it or not though


Crossover country. Like Carrie Underwood


Carrie Underwood is country that leans pop. Her songs are written and sung to be country pop. A couple songs do move away from the tradition country though.
This song was written to be pop. It just sounds like they added a banjo and said break up the end of your runs and add a twang to it. It just feels disjointed to me. Maybe if it had more yoddle. But I tend to like tradition country. Country pop is just o.k. to me. And I think country and country pop are as different as rap and R&B. They have some crossover but each have unique markers.
I’m sure the new show will be a sucess. And I love the original song. I just worry they are diluting the country out of the country bears. I need twang. I need mountain music, lol.


I hope they keep some of the old material. The songs are a large part what makes the show funny. I mean, Big Al’s croon can’t be beat.


In the We Are Imagineering video, they actually talked about how they were bringing in different country music styles, one of which they specifically mentioned Country Pop. But the people responsible for writing these song arrangements are definitely experienced in country…so I think the idea is the show will cover a mixture of country styles.