Easy to find mouse ears

I love the idea of jazzing up Amazon ears. Much more attainable for me!

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You are a true lifesaving buddy!

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Aww shucks! Thanks!

I would love to get my wife a pair of Eeyore ears before our trip at the end of next month. I saw someone with them last year and I have searched high and low with no luck. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

Any update on piglet ears? :slight_smile:

just home from procuring supplies and have cut out template. need to eat lunch because me and crafts don’t get along very well and the last thing i need is to be hangry while working

i got some pipe cleaners to put in between the layers and try to bend them some. i got plenty of felt so i can try a few ways. also have cotton to stuff inside them maybe


Wow that was fast and easy! I think I did okay!

@larrielaine thank you ever so much for your help!!!

Here is my shirt which I will wear with pink leggings and pink crocs


they look AMAZING!
See you are crafty-er than you think LOL


Great job! You will look brilliant!

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I sent the pic to DH and he says, “Ohnis that a new SnapChat filter??”

I guess they look good!


This is the crown I made.
The only pick I have of my costume is not great :slight_smile:
I will have to post one when I am dressed for the party :slight_smile:


I love it!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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thanks - It took me far longer than it should have, because I needed to make sure I had the correct number of points (5) and that they met between two points & that I made it long enough to fit the size of the base I had decided was right.
I am a bit too much of a perfectionist sometimes :slight_smile:


Me too. Which is why crafts are bad m’kay?

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Very clever…I think that you need a curly tail too!

I conferred with DD and looked at photos and we never really see his tail so I opted out.

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Is that like ‘fake news’. Piglet definitely has a curly tail…I am off to find a picture. :wink:

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Oh no…you are right…he has no tail…he was docked.:fearful:

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They’re incredible!!! I couldn’t have done better myself. They will make a lovely addition to your cute shirt! Enjoy!