Dropping FOP+ other FPs like they're hot!

I just bit the bullet and got EMM at Toy Story Land for our first day (10/17) and this means rearranging what was supposed to be an AK day complete with FOP FPs for 6. I will drop them at 3pm central time today if anyone is available for snatching them up.
I’m dropping:
Safari @ 10:55
Dinosaur @ 1:30
FOP@ 6:15
I also dropped a Sanaa lunch for 6 @ 2:50 though I don’t know how difficult that reservation is to get typically.
**Note: I already had a second set of FOP booked for our last day just in case it was such a great ride that people had to go again. We’re just switching our AK day to our last day which was intended to be a “free” day.

This leaves me with a weird free day in the middle though…as it stands right this moment we will do: Day 1: HS Day 2: ? Day 3: MK Day 4: Epcot Day 5: morning off with MNSSHP at night Day 6: AK
What would you do?


I’m going during the same time! :slight_smile: Seeking an elusive FOP FB for 10/21 because I derp’ed out on my FP morning and was late to the party. I’d try to snatch up your FOP but I’d have to rearrange my whole touring plan and that’s a no.

We also have a block of “free” time in the schedule and I plan on visiting several resorts and possibly playing a round of mini-golf. It’s just me and my brooding angsty teen son Eeyore, so that works for us. No babies on board.

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