Drive or take bus to AK

Trying to decide if we should drive to AK or take the bus. We are staying at CBR and the bus ride is showing almost 40 minutes. We are wanting to get to the park early(30-45 mins before open at 8 AM but really don’t want to catch a bus before 7 AM. Any ideas?

If you can drive, what reason are you questioning doing so?


If you take a Lyft you’ll be dropped off right in front of security/temp checks. Lyft has its own lane through parking gates; like buses.


I’m concerned about not being able to get into the parking lot early if we choose to drive.

I would love to use Lyft but we are a fam of 6 and that can get kinda pricey. I
May need to double check it just be sure on my end.

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Well if you drive, you probably already know, they open up parking 50-60 min prior to opening and that’s been sufficient time for us to be near for RD.

In December we were at Saratoga Springs. We boarded an AK bus at 7:02. I didn’t notice what time we arrived at AK, or what exact time members of our group got off Flight of Passage but it was before 8 am.