Does Disney still send physical mail before your visit?

We’re leaving on the 10th for Marathon Weekend, and I just realized we never got the blue envelope with our resort and general information. Did they stop sending these?

I did not get one this time.


Haven’t gotten one in ages


Bummer. I got one the last time I went in ‘21. I’ve kept all of them through the years; they were such a small, great keepsake.

The cost-cutting in the parks is ridiculous. How much could it cost to send one piece of mail to the people spending thousands visiting their resort? :unamused:


I got them for my Dec trip. I had a split stay, CSR/Pop. One was sent to my Iowa address, the second one was sent to my AZ address (because I’m a snowbird and had changed my address in MDE). I guess I got one in Oct and the other in Nov. The first one had specific pages and dates related to my first hotel, the second one likewise specific to my second hotel. I’m not DVC. It had been a year since my last visit. I had purchased, but not activated, an AP before my trip.


I haven’t received one my past few trips.

Agreed. I enjoyed received and keeping them. And my kids enjoyed looking at them in anticipation of the trip.

Assuming $2 per mailing in postage and materials/printing costs and 2.5 million households staying at WDW resort hotels per year (both assumptions are likely off so just using for an example), then cutting these mailings saves $5 million per year. While a very tiny amount compared to the WDW overall expenses, I’m not surprised the Disney bean counters would be all over this as a cost savings measure. And in their defense, this cut probably doesn’t cost Disney any guests or revenue so it likely makes sense from a business perspective.

Yes. As a marketer by trade, an ‘ops related’ mail piece is absolutely something that would end up on cutting room floor, especially in this modern, digital age, (excepting perhaps the highest value/most profitable customers).

Snail mail and Voice Mails have really gone the way of the dinosaur. Plus, I’m guessing there was a ton of breakage with cancellations.

I’d invest those dollars in a better pre-trip online engagement campaign. Starbucks is such a good example. I love getting those impromptu ‘happy hour’ push notifications (even though I don’t take advantage of them).

You could even do some really fun personalization to kiddos with their favorite characters in little ‘video bits’ to share with your kids.I.e. Hi little Susie, can’t wait to see you in ‘x’ days.


Me, too.

Not DVC either

Nor AP


I received a mailer with information about my stay but my “free mini golf” was in my MDE, not a paper ticket like in years past. FWIW I had a room only reservation because my ticket was purchased through AAA.


I had a room only as well


I almost always get them, especially longer stays.


Well, if they are segmenting (and I don’t know if they are), then I suspect most folks on this forum fall into the ‘high value’ bucket. Repeat customers who love Disney.


Lately I’ve only been receiving physical mail about my stay if I’ve booked by phone such as for a bounceback offer. Not for bookings managed online.


Here to report. 10 days out and received a Magical Extras voucher and luggage tags today. Split stay, booked mostly online. Part of the trip is for a bounce back (had to call.)


It’s interesting. The confirmation still says it will be shipped. Maybe they stopped mailing for a room only reservations? Maybe I’ve cancelled and rebooked too much so they don’t think I’m worth their postage money :rofl:


My reservation was room only in Dec, and I got them for each leg of the split stay. I booked online.

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I booked a package and didn’t receive mail. Judging by the comments here it seems pretty indiscriminate. But I’m sure there is some sort of internal rhyme or reason why some people are still getting physical mail.