Hey everyone,
I don’tknow if this question has been tackled here or on Lines, so I thought I would give it a go. It is the number one question knocking around my mind. TIA!
I’m guessing you mean room only discounts??? Best guess is when the current booking period ends on August 8th. I’m crossing my fingers anyways.
Yes. I mean, I already reserved a room because I needed to do ADR’s, but I’m ready to find cheaper rates!
@owenbohn - my Disney TA says that Disney is announcing/releasing their 2015 packages on July 30th - I’m hoping she’s right😉
Thanks. That’s awesome! I’m not really good at waiting, so this makes me happy!
I just realized I started this question on the wrong thread–so thank you for realizing this was for Disney and not Universal.
Yes, I’m pretty sure I read on chat that the 2015 packages should be released on July 30, but that you can book room only for 2015 over the phone at any time (if you want access to 180+10 now, for example.) The first week or August is when we’re hoping to see the fall discounts that pick up where the current set of discounts leave off. Hope this clarifies!
I am also watching not so patienly for ro discount
I hope so!
I think I remember them being announced in early August previously. Fingers crossed!!
Raising hands in the waiting category!
I actually want to pay off my trip but am holding off until the room-only discounts come out. Hope my dates are part of it. (Budgeted for no discount and going anyway but a RO discount would certainly be a nice early Christmas present for me.)
Fall room discounts were announced 8/1 last year but 2015 packages were announced much earlier last year. It would not be good business sense for Disney to announce 2 popular things on back to back days. High call volumes cost them money and make customer unhappy. Id say we wont see anything till at least the current RO/FD promo expires that’s around the 7th or 8th of Aug.