Diversions at Hollywood Studios

Planning a RD to Fantasmic day at HS in March. We plan to RD SDD, get 1st LL for SDD, and buy ILL for ROTR. We want to do all 8 rides, Muppets, Frozen, Indiana Jones, and Fantasmic and have an ADR for 630.

What does everyone do to fill a day here? At AK, there are trails, tree carvings, Rafiki’s, flotillas and drummers, at MK, there are lots of attractions but also the train and TSI and a parade, and at Epcot, there is never enough time to explore all the pavillons and festival offerings and entertainment. But what about HS? Are there things off the beaten path? Things I’ve never explored? Hidden gems?

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HS has Pixar characters to great if that interests you.

It also may take longer to hit all the shows and rides than you think. Sometimes the timing of one show makes it hard to get to the next since they are across the park from each other.

Galaxy Edge has lots of areas to explore and wander. Some sort of data hacking to do on the play Disney app.

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That’s really why I’m wondering. If I have blocks of time between attractions or between shows, what are some of the things I can explore? I can always fall back on grab a drink and people watch, but I was just wondering what I’m missing.

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My kids love the Pixar meet and greets. And also the 3 Star Wars meet and greets at Launch Bay. We spend a fair amount of time at these.

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There’s also the “Walt Disney Presents” gallery and short film.


Its HS. Even with LL you are going to wait in line for a good chunk of that time, especially since parkhopping has returned before 2:00 (LLs have been selling out sooner) and RnRC is down for refurbishment.
But to answer your question, the Launch Bay is good for meet and greets and just looking at the exhibits.

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I always struggle to fit HS all in one day because I too want to see all the shows and max out on the rides, but here are the diversions that I love to put in my (if we have time for) category:

  • Walt Disney Presents, the gallery is models of lots of the ‘making of’ different lands/parks in Disney history & really full of good nerdy details about Walt & how Disney parks came to be, and the film is mandatory viewing for any Walt appreciator.
  • Launch Bay, when we last went Chewie & I think another Star Wars character (maybe it was BB-8?) were meeting there until 5:00pm and I always love getting a Chewy hug. Plus there’s some Star Wars things to explore, well, if it’s anything like DLR’s was. I don’t think I’ve actually ever gotten into the door in HS’s Launch Bay.
  • Meet Olaf, I kept trying to get my kids to want to do this one in a couple of gaps we had between shows but they were very lukewarm so we skipped it. But they usually do like character meets so it was unusual (I’m pretty sure they were done with standing in lines though).
  • Mickey & Minnie Vacation shorts, I did not have this on my radar at all because I figured it was the same cartoons that we could see on Disney+ and had a bazillion times over already. But my kids did really want to do it (and sit in AC) so we did this instead of Meet Olaf, and it ended up being really cute and had an addition that you don’t see on Disney+ that made it not a complete & total waste of time for me and there’s fun photo opps at the exit. So if you/you’re kids are at all a fan of the Mickey & Minnie new shorts series, it’s a worthy diversion.

And then if you’re over by Sunset Blvd and need a diversion, we loved the Lightning McQeen Racing Academy & as Cars fans it was awesome to see him in animatronic form for the show here. And if all else fails, grabbing a drink or snack and people watching is totally good. My family also loves to meander all the gift shops too.


How did I miss this? My ds is going to be unhappy about that. It was closed for months last year too!


Thanks for all the details! This is exactly what I was looking for. I have not been to Walt Disney presents or Launch Bay, although I seem to think we met Kylo Ren there but I didn’t know they had stuff to look at in there.

The rides will certainly take up a lot of the day due to crowds but I need low/no-wait things in my back pocket in case we have an hour before next LL or missed a show start due to emergency snacking needs. :joy:


I know! I feel like it just re-opened! It’s one of DS’s favorites.

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Since Launch Bay was re-opened following the Covid closure of the parks, it has been Chewy, BB-8 and Darth Vader. My kids loved meeting all 3, but Chewy was their favorite.


Can absolutely 1000% relate! And HS is so punishing with its set showtimes when it comes to shifting things around. So yes, a very good idea to look into your options of exploration.

Are you Star Wars fans? Galaxy’s Edge has lots of details. From the huge MF outside the ride, models of other “star ships”, the market place. I wish I’d spent more time there - and that’s as a casual fan.

And One Man’s Dream is a favourite of mine.


If you have the Disney Visa Card also ask about the special meet and greet at Launch Bay. When we were there in early January the bonus meet was Darth Vader - which was somewhat ironic as the regular Darth line was basically empty so we did that - my son tried to get recruited and said they’d meet again - AND 5 minutes later he was right. Made for a funny 2nd meeting…

We did the Edna Mode experience and hit Frozone on the way. Lines for those aren’t bad as they are on that dead end spur as you enter Toy Story Land from behind MMRR. Frozone was walk up. Edna we likely waited ~10 minutes. DW tied her sweatshirt around her shoulders when meeting Edna which created a fun interaction…

With RnRC down the wait for Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy might be super short although I seldom see it listed longer than 15 minutes, but it could be a quick diversion as well…

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Do people still play the bounty hunter game with MB+? Never tried it myself.

I had forgotten there was a photo op for Disney Visa Card in HS. Adding that to my list as well.

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Yes! But it can be time consuming, especially if there are lots of people waiting at each portal.

The Visa entry is near the BB8 meet which is kind of back up the stairs on the left (when walking away from the Darth/Chewie meets) from the other 2. Just ask about the Disney Visa and they should guide you but they do keep it fairly secretive - i.e. if we didn’t ask I don’t think we’d have ever found it…

My favorite things to do are:

  1. Explore Galaxy’s Edge. Look in the shops in the marketplace, including Dok Ondar’s. Get a reservation for Oga’s if you’ve never been.
  2. Walt Disney Presents. Keep in mind the One Man’s Dream film is often preempted by a preview of an upcoming (or already released) Disney or Pixar film, which is usually lame.
  3. Vacation Fun. Awesome short.

I’ve still never done Lighting McQueen Race Academy, but my kids have done it while I was riding ToT. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: One of these days I intend to see it!


Riding on Radiator Springs Racers gives you almost the same Lightning McQueen animatronic (of course in very different scenarios and stories) but it was nice to be able to see him on the opposite coast.

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