My son just sent me this article
Thanks for sharing our article! Our friends used the service all weekend and found it to be very accurate. We can’t wait to try it in November.
Do you know if they tried it in the parks? There were questions if it worked there.
There was some conversation about this yesterday somewhere here on the forum
Thanks for bringing it forward in its own thread
Yes, I posted this on Saturday or Sunday (my son texted me the link) but no one had any comments on it.
They used it every day of their trip. Bus data was hyper-accurate. I’ve updated our article with more details. They did encounter a phantom bus, but otherwise, Google’s data is excellent. We can’t wait to use this on our next trip. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you and welcome to the forum!
Thank you! Glad to be here. I’ve had an account on this site for 20 years. I should’ve gotten here sooner!