Disney room AC override?

Hi again! We checked into AS sports, and I know there’s a way to override the AC setting but can’t remember-it’s HOT in here! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


There is a thread on chat. They say this works at BW https://youtu.be/n0UQlbug_xE?si=7RBOCfl49bU4xanq

This is another options:


Got it-thanks!! :sweat_smile:


Disaster this morning!!! I tried logging into MDE at 6:45 and need a password reset-we missed the TRoN virtual queue and I’m still on hold with a CM for the ILL

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I ended up having to purchase the ILL for Tron and missed the virtual queue. The CM on the phone was actually rather rude and had no clue how ILLs worked and kept telling me I could not book a 7DMT ILL since I had just purchased one for TRON. She finally sent me an email to reset my password which I had never received even after getting the error message, so while she kept telling me she could not sell me the 7DMT ILL, I was able to reset my password finally, re-log in, and purchase it myself. :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


:rage: Goodness! I’m glad you were able to fix it yourself!!