Disney Destinations Research Study

I got an email asking me to volunteer for a virtual focus group led by a Disney moderator. If chosen, you will receive a Disney gift card. It says a 90 minute informal and conversational virtual call. I was just curious if anyone did this in the past? The email said that I responded to a survey from my previous trip. (I did not, unless I completely forgot!)

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I saw someone on chat had gotten a call like that too. I always respond to surveys and they never call me.


Thanks. It’s probably during the week too, and I couldn’t do it during the day. I might respond and see what happens.

I have volunteered for that, but I was never able to answer their phone call when they called to schedule.

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I just did the survey. My guess is they won’t select me, but I gave it a shot!

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I also got the email but the focus group is for the exact days I’ll be at Disney for the parties and Festival. So maybe next time.

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