Disney Books... Stories

This came up in my daily book deal and I started wondering if any of you have book recommendations? I know there are a lot of books out there published about Disney stuff i.e. characters, food/cooking, history. Do you have recommendations? (aside from recommending Tour Plans :wink: b/c well… we all read that already )

Amazon.com: Hook’s Little Mermaid: Captain Hook crosses paths with an enchanting mermaid, as he seeks revenge against Peter Pan. (The Untold Stories Book 1) eBook: Lynn, Suzanna, Smith, Suzanna: Kindle Store


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I LOVED this Star Wars book on General Princess Leia as a young woman -

I also read the Galaxy’s Edge book, which is also good:

(I have not read the Phasma book, but from what I understand, the Galaxy’s Edge book comes after and has characters from that book, so if both are you on your to-read list, read Phasma first.)

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I like the Twisted Tales series. Slight reimagined versions of the stories.

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Oh me too!

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