Dining Plans Returning

I was just reading a WDWNT post and I saw this list:

Was that last bullet posted in other places?

Found it!


Back to old rules

Yeah, that’s why it doesn’t make sense for us. By the next trip, all 3 kids will be Disney Adults under 18 who prefer plain cheeseburgers and mac and cheese and chicken tenders. I might consider DDP for a couples’ trip, but if we have the kids with us, no way does it make sense. My kids don’t eat enough for it to be worth it for us. I barely eat enough to justify it for me! Plus I don’t drink.

I’m wondering how it will affect crowds next year. So many fans have been saying they won’t go back until the DDP comes back, and now here it is…And with park ressies gone too, I think they will have healthy crowds in 2024 as a result.


It will be interesting. I saw plentiful those comments. As we’ve established DDP may work for some but even then it’s a modest savings. I’m mind blown at the number saying they wouldn’t return without it. I wonder if they think this is a good deal Winthrop new price and structure. Honestly the summer room discounts are pretty good and I’m sure almost everyone would save more with the room discount. Glad we’re going this year.


For me this is a bit disappointing- my family has really missed the deluxe dinning plan. I am not a huge fan of the quick service dining option.

We often got the deluxe dinning plan- specifically to accommodate the 2 credit restaurants…breakfast in room TS lunch- signature/fine dining for dinner…


I’m not sure about 2019 but iirc, in 2015 the qs credit included a meal, drink and desert. I remember trying to carry around carrot cakes and chocolate lava cakes in a small tupper in our bag :joy:

Same trip :point_up_2: we had 2 snack credits, also MAY have had an app at TS dinner. But not 100 on this. That may have been the trip before.

Here is the 2015 brochure. A dessert was included in QS lunch/dinner (no alcohol) but one snack?


I remember 2 but maybe we were eating the deserts I saved a few hours after lunch, lol. I love those little carrot cake cups from QS. DS would give me his and I would let him order an extra side or something. He hates cake :roll_eyes:

Better not say that out loud…he could get his citizenship revoked! :laughing:



They have changed the number snacks available back and forth

In 2019, it was 2 snacks with QS

IIRC, around 2019 is when WDW has a big price increase for all DP’s and that is when they added alcohol, as a reason to justify the price increase. They might have upped the snacks from 1 to 2 also.


Yeah, i didn’t remember alcohol being included. I remember DH asking the waiter if he could get a soft drink credit towards his beer at dinner on the DDP😂

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@raisingminniemes did a cost analysis on the DDP on her Instagram stories today. I included some screenshots if the link to Instagram doesn’t work. Basically, it’s next to impossible to break even (if that’s what you are going for) on the dining plan unless you drink alcohol, especially cocktails. Even then, it’s challenging.


I still think for most people it’s about convenience and all-inclusiveness and not necessarily about saving money.


Yeah I agree but it’s still interesting to see!


It is really interesting to see. For me shorter stays helped make it more worth it 2 nights with 3 days to use is different than 5 nights with 6 dyas. But looking at the per meal breakdown you see even that is less the case now than before.

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We were in that boat for convenience. As a family, we came out ahead, but with the higher prices and changes to snacks, I think we’ve crossed the our breaking point and will just budget.


Yes - convenience should only go so far. Don’t give them extra $. And you only pay 30 days out not months out.


I really want it to work for my family! I love prepaying and then choosing anything regardless of cost on the menu! When we’re vacationing my DH always says order what you want but my instinct is to go for the cheaper option. But I just can’t see my 10 and 12 year olds eating that much. They do love steak but at some places I know they’d rather have the kids Mac n cheese! My DH and I will drink beer or wine with a TS but looking at these pics, still probably not worth it.

Another option is to budget the same amount as you would have paid for the DDP, but set it aside so that it is, in fact, prepaid. You could even load a Disney Gift card with the amount…and if you don’t use it all on food, you can use the remainder for souvenirs and such.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you have a Disney Visa card or other means where you can get a 10+% discount on TS food, buying the DDP would eliminate any such savings possibility (depending on what you order).


Thanks, those are helpful points!