First timer here. I have different Fastpass times for Splash Mountain as we are going as a group but on 2 bookings. One Fastpass slot is 9.40 - 10.40, the other is 10.50-11.50. We were planning on working off of the same touring plan and aiming to be at Splash for 10.40 and hope that they let other group members in a little early. Can the Touring plan be optimised to allow for this? Whats the best way to plan your day if not?
If you go at 10.45 or 10.50, you should have no problem at all. You can tap in up to 5 minutes early and 15 mins late.
As for your actual question, it’s not that simple if you only have a tiny window of opportunity. Your best bet might be to tell the plan you’ve got a FP at whatever time that will cover your arrival, and optimise. And then if it doesn’t have you arriving at the right time, manually moving things around and evaluating until it does. I find the optimiser uses the 15 mins after fairly regularly, but not the 5 mins before. So using the 9.40-10.40 FP will probably work out.
Thank you! I will work around it as you suggest and even if we have to skip a step will make sure get there for our fast pass time of 10.40ish and then re-optimise on the day if necessary.
Hope it works out!