Dealing with Post Disney blues

Not exactly. But…for your sake…close enough. :slight_smile:

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Isn’t it nice to know that others share our level of crazy! So many in our regular lives just don’t “get it”! I was not planning to go this year but when free dining came out, somehow it just happened! I told my son not to tell everyone yet because I didn’t want to listen to people talk about it. Glad to know that I’m not the only one who isn’t truly happy unless a trip is in the works! Happy planning everyone…whether your trip is next month or in two years! I think for most of us, the planning is over half of the fun! Seeing a well executed plan work out is the other half! :smile:

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We’ve been home almost a month. Half kidding/half serious, I came up with something last night. Instead of just daydreaming in much of my free time, I got out my same spreadsheet/outline, and started populating for the next trip, whenever it is. I have days, tentative park plans, first 3 FPP with approx times, and likely meals. Yes, much can change. But once we are actually ready to go again, i just have to pull out this framework and go from there. I hope this doesn’t sound as silly as when I read it back to myself. If so, oh well…

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For me there is nothing worse than walking through MCO to our flight home and seeing that statue of Snow White and taking one final picture of my girls sitting with her. Its horrible. All I can say is at least your kids are younger.

My desk has pictures dating back to 2012 when my girlies were 5 and 9. Now they are 11 and 15 and as amazing as it is, the magic is a little less each time. My oldest still wants a full blow for her high school graduation in 2021. Praying that doesn’t change

I’m lucky in that I don’t feel so bad. First, because I’m going home to my dog who I won’t have seen in over a week. Second, because I’m flying Virgin Upper Class, which is a luxurious treat and softens the blow of leaving wonderland.


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We have our tradition. Our Trip is not over until we take our final picture. It’s sad to see how much my girls have grown up but they absolutely love it as do I. Looking at these pictures I just looked over my finances for the year and thought about changing our Virginia trip to an August Disney run. Not in the cards this summer but my Date countdown is now at 279 days to our February trip… Can’t wait. :slight_smile: .

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We have done this with our daughter with the Cinderella statue outside World of Disney at Disney Springs. Anyhow, this year, at 14, she finally refused to do it. It was kind of sad, since we have photos of her with Cinderella going back to when she was about 3!

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I’m at 30 days till arrival, which means I’m at 39 days till I get back home :frowning:

So I’m starting to plan now for what I’m going to do when I get back. I’m making a list of projects to keep me busy during the summer.