DAS Question - under 3

I understand the DAS pass and how it works and think it would be helpful for my DD. We are not planning to ride any of the headliner rides, planning to RD, and using TP to minimize lines - but I could see her getting “stuck” on wanting to ride one thing over and over or needing the pass for character meets.

Question is she will be just shy of 3 when we visit WDW so will not have a magic band - assuming she meets all other qualifications, anyone know if guest services would be able to give her the pass without a magic band?


I don’t know the answer to the DAS question, but my son was only 16 months when we went to WDW, and they sent us a magic band for him. Never needed it of course, but we hung onto it as a backup (in case we lost one, I think you can transfer from one person to another?). Hopefully someone else has experience with DAS with a little one :slight_smile:

Oh good to know! Maybe they can link it to that one. Thanks!

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Here’s a pretty good thread on DAS https://www.disboards.com/threads/wdw-disability-access-service-das-post-1-updated-6-8-15-digital-das-on-tickets-magicbands.3178976/

Thank you!

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