Custom touring plan wait times incorrect

I’m working on a few custom touring plans for next week at USF and IOA. Here’s an example (not sure if linking to a TP will work…):

You’ll notice that it’s estimating Hagrid to have a wait time of…8 minutes. Hulk is 4 minutes. Creating a new plan produces similar, but not identical results.

This one has Hagrid at 11 minutes, Hulk at 2 minutes.

Anyone else seeing things like this?

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I think you need to go to the edit button and change your settings to have your plan viewable by the public. I believe you can contact touring plans directly through the website too?

Yeah, here’s the first plan shared to the public: Custom Touring Plan: Thursday IOA

I’ll look into ways to contact them directly. Thanks!

Are you using Express Pass (UXP) in your Touring Plan? I know Hagrid’s doesn’t have it.

However, I’ve noticed that TP doesn’t do a great job with the Early Park Admission waits.

If you have UXP selected and doing EPA that may be the issue… :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

I’m going to try to recreate your published plan not using UXP and see if shuffling thigs around or removing anything changes the results…

EDIT - After doing 3 revisions of this plan I got, basically, the same results.

IMHO - I don’t think you’ll have an 8 minute Hagrid’s wait / 2 minutes for VelociCoaster / 2 minutes for Hulk. However, I know from multiple visits during the first week of February that UOR is soooo empty then! Last year I did every ride at both IOA & USF in one day WITHOUT Express Pass by visiting during this time! Thursday is one of the statistically lowest crowd days of the week! GL!!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you verifying what I’m seeing. We can’t wait! I haven’t been to WDW since I was in grade school, I’ve never been to UOR, and my wife and 5 kids haven’t been to any of it.

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Awesome! It’s such a fun place!

It’s super well themed and has as many great offerings as WDW…Heck a LOT of CMs also work at UOR too!

In size, it’s on scale with Disneyland. It’s got a lot to offer, but you can walk to everything once you are inside the resort. The on-site transportation runs like clockwork & you’ll be on a bus or boat typically in 5 - 6 minutes or less at your pick-up location!

Please, ask anything you want to before you go! There’s a core group of UOR fans here that love talking Universal & helping people’s first trips be successful!!

Continuing the discussion from Custom touring plan wait times incorrect:

Ok I’m really new to all this, I want to creat my own personal touring plan but can’t see how to tell the system we have EPA - so my plan is starting later than I’d like?

It will be right as you select which park you are going to visit

Click on that slider next to “Use Early Park Admission”

If you’ve already made a plan, but forgot to select this at start simply go to the top of the plan and look for “Your Plan Times” there is an “Edit” button next to that

From there you’ll get a pop up window… scroll down until you see the “Use Early Park Admission” slider and click it

Welcome to Touring Plans!! Please ask anything and as often as you need. Many of us LOVE talking about trip planning and the parks. We’ll help as much as we can!!