If I only spend one day in EP (which is rare), I do as much of FW as I can before noon, and spend the rest of the day in WS. If I spend a second full day there, I do the same thing the second day. Most typically I spend one full day and a second half day. If my half-day is at RD, I’ll split FW evenly between the two days. If it’s a PM half day, I’ll spend more time in FW the first day, and on the second day, other than maybe a couple of FPP attractions in FW, I’ll spend my time in WS. If you have 2 days, FPP TT on one day and Soarin’ on the other. I’m not really much of a re-ride guy, but if you are, hit whichever one you don’t have the FPP for right at RD.
I typically get my FPPs in the 11:00 - 1:00 period; this gives me a couple of hours to take advantage of RD touring, but still give me the possibility of adding more later in the day (something I actually rarely do in EP).
On the rare occasion I even do a TP for WS, I’ll just select the shows (including the live shows) that I want to see, but not the “country pavilions”. This way I’ll have a “schedule” of times for specific events, and then I just tour around the countries in between. And different countries have different amounts to see. Not counting rides/shows/dining, Mexico, China, Germany, Japan, and UK are typically 20-30 min stops for me. The others are closer to 10-15 - except France and America which are pretty much “walk pasts”. With only a half day in WS, you will have to accept that there will be a number of things you will not be able to see/do (the same could really be said for FW).
If I were to rank the WS attractions from top to bottom, I would say: American Adventure (one of the best attractions in WDW), Impressions de France (probably the most beautifully filmed movie in WDW, with an excellent soundtrack), Grand Fiesta Mexico (fun for the kids, and the only “ride” in WS), and a tie between China (beautifully filmed and educational) and Canada (very entertaining). The last two are also the only remaining “circlevision” movies in WDW.
For live shows, Voices of Liberty are a must-see. If the Chinese acrobats are performing the day you are there, I would also consider them a “must-see”. I also really enjoy the flag performers in Italy, the taiko drummers in Japan, and Server Amusement in France. Mariachi Cobre in Mexico are very good, but having lived in San Diego for many years, I rarely stay for more than one song. The traditional musicians in Morocco are interesting, but a little bit goes a long way. Every time I see Sergio in Italy, I want to shove the whistle down his throat. As for the lumberjack show in Canada…why? There’s a new acapella group performing on the stage across from America that has gotten mixed reviews; I’ve only seen the show on YouTube and was unimpressed, but others have said they sound much better “live” (most things do).
I won’t go into a discussion of specific TSs, but for planning purposes, on a 8-9 day, assume that the meal will take at least 45 min to order, get, and eat. Personal recommendations: Yorkshire Fich and Chips (UK), Tangerine (Morocco), and Sommerfest (Germany).
Well, that was a lot more than I intended to write when I started this response
Of course all of the above is a matter of personal opinion and taste, but WS is my favorite place in WDW, and once I get started I just can’t stop.
As a final closing thought, WS is a place to explore, not conquer. It’s a place to enjoy the ambience and let happen what happens. It seems that the less I “plan” time there, the more I enjoy it.