Contract opinions

Lots to think about.


These utilize the :athletic_shoe: method of transportation.

To which you are 1000% entitled and I’m just teasing. Hard to pay $$$$ for 2042 even with amazing point charts.


Sure and considering DH is stressed about 217 PP , he’s not going to go for 250.
I have to give in a little :grin:

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I am amazed, given the resale restrictions, that Riv resale prices are not miles lower than they are.


Wait, Crescent Lake prices are higher than Riviera and GFV??

Yup, there is a massive resale savings.

In reality those 2042 resort points expire at the end of January 2042 (so really 2041?).


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Wow! I paid closer to $100 than $200pp for BWV.

And wow! I didn’t know this. So 18 years left!

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How can this be accurate? What about use years after January? How can points expire which haven’t even been allotted to a member?

Might it be January 2043? Or am I misunderstanding what you’re saying.

I looked this up recently:

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As a BWV owner I have been considering when we need to start borrowing annual points.

I am 62 so my contract expiration is not concerning to me, but I want my family to use my August 2041 points.

Right but that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

I believe I first realized I had no 2042 points when I was listening to a MY DVC Points Podcast over the summer.

From my contract:

If others want to look, this is a direct contract, page 1.


I suppose by then they will do something for renewal :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It seems like your specific circumstances are different than mine, but to answer the original question, I chose to buy my two contracts at the same resort (SSR) because it was the cheapest lifetime cost per point (my goal was to maximize the # of points for the amount I was willing to spend) AND I would be satisfied staying at SSR if I was unable to book elsewhere. But in practice I have been able to book pretty much what I want.


No she’s right.

All resorts expire at the end of January. We don’t know yet how they will deal with points as we approach the expiry date. It may be that they restrict banking to allow people to use their points. Anyone with a December use year is going to need to borrow those points in order to use them.

The last year anyone with points at a 2042 resort will pay dues for is 2041.


And just adding that the last points anyone will receive are 2041 points.