Connecting on MDE

Trying to connect a few more people on MDE to better facilitate a MM share.

We’ve linked all of the account holders to the dummy account. How do we link profiles who are managed by the account holders.

Last time I traveled, my husband (whose profile is managed by me) was not connected to the dummy account other than through me. The very few pictures that he swiped his band for did not automatically show up in the dummy account for downloading. Disney was able to fix it for me, but we’re trying to avoid that happening again.

Can you “friend” a profile that is managed by someone else? Or was perhaps what I thought was the issue on the previous actually just a fluke?

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Took a visit to Guest Services to figure it out this trip - they’ve hidden it pretty good.

Go into “My Profile”

From there, access, “My Friends and Family”

hit “Add a Guest” and use the “by name” option.

Once you input first and last names, you should be able to input an email address to send the connection request to. Input the email address associated with the other person’s MDE Account.

Once the recipient receives the email, have them click to confirm.




Once you have connected the dummy account to main account holder. Go to add Friends and Family from the dummy account. Select Find through my connected Guests. A list will pop up to send invites to.

Worked like a charm!

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