Confusion About Fast Pass

I am having a problem figuring out how to change a Fast Pass for just 2 members of our group. I have chosen Fast Passes for all 6 of us. I only wanted to choose 1 Fast Pass for now - but I was automatically assigned 3.

I then wanted to change so that my daughter-in-law and granddaughter could have a character M&G that others in the group aren’t interested in. It looks like I have to change everyone’s Fast Passes in order to do that.

So do I understand this correctly. If we are a group of 6 - we all have to go to choose the same Fast Passes - we can’t split according to different interests? If that’s not the case - how do I choose different groups of Fast Passes?

Thanks for any help.

Once your Fastpasses have been selected, go back into ‘My Disney Experience’ Click on “Update”
Pick the day. Then click on ‘Change Times’ You will then see your family and friends. UN-check everyone that does NOT want to ride. Click ‘Update’. Now you will be able to book another fastpass for the people that still need one.

Thank you so very much - I just tried it and it worked. I never would have figured that out on my own.