Club 33 - Aug

Does anyone know anyone with Club 33 membership able to help me make a dinner reservation this August in Disneyland?

A very kind LA local helped me visit over 20 years ago and keen to come back with my family when we are over from the UK.

I know this is a long shot, but I thought if there was ever a group this was it.


If there are any DLR Club 33 members among Liners they have kept that very shut tight and/or are lurkers. There is at least one WDW Club 33 member on these forums, but that wouldn’t be helpful for DLR’s Club 33.


Isn’t Club 33 Club 33 everywhere?

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Nope, the membership is very specific to the resort. I do think that Club 33 from one resort have a limited/partial access to other resorts’ Club, but it’s not the same as their own home Club. And DLR’s process is a whole thing that has been locked down in recent years.


That is a ripoff.

You’re already paying tens of thousands of dollars.

What a racket.


Anyone accepting an offer like this would be likely to get into serious trouble with the club. No matter which coast they were a member of. Trading favours is against the rules. I’m sure people do it, but it’s a quick way to get membership suspended or revoked.

Every club around the world is a different membership and there is no reciprocal benefits anywhere. Tokyo, Shanghai, Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Never believe anything the bloggers post, and be wary of any info you read on the internet about the clubs.

I would suggest asking around your circle of friends because you never know who may know someone. I sort of just met someone and we became friends and then the club came up later. We are more friends outside of disney though.

Good luck! I will say, it is not what it used to be and everytime I go I feel it more and more. :pensive:


Im pretty sure you can be guested into club 33, and I would be hosting them if they visited London.

Don’t see any issues here!

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Just be mindful because the ca club does monitor stuff like this. A member has been terminated in Ca for something similar. I won’t go into details, but it is someone I know personally and it was crazy pants. The ca club has so many rules and restrictions and stuff you may not even know about until they decide you mis-stepped. Kind of like those AA air pass things, LOL

Is it wild? Yup. But it’s just kind of how it is with the Ca club.

Florida, Tokyo and Shanghai are completely different. Florida you have to be with a member. Tokyo has recently changed policies after someone broke a ton of rules. Shanghai is so secretive no one really knows. :joy:

It’s like the Illuminati!!!


You may know more, but I believe in CA there was a long-time member that basically felt very strongly that he should use the membership to allow any Disney fan an in and would use his privileges to get anyone who got in touch with him to go to the club, mostly people he didn’t know too. And that went against what the Club had been designed to be so they had to cramp down on a lot of the CA memberships.

For instance, the one time we’ve been in the club the member that got us in made the reservation for us but didn’t have to be there so we were able to go in & have the experience even not being members. And I believe that is very much no longer the case.

(And if I could use that connection to get into the club another time (so my younger 2 could experience it, you better believe I would, but I wouldn’t want to jeopardize anyone’s membership so I don’t know if we’ll ever get back in). But in our case, the member was a relative of a former co-worker. The co-worker made it loud & clear he didn’t ask this relative for any favors ever to discourage the plentiful Disney fans in the office from asking. But then he privately offered us the chance when he saw how much we go to DL in the short time he worked with DH. And we brought home what we felt was a very nice, sentimental gift for his 2 daughters as a thank you. But that co-worker moved on to a new company a long time ago & we didn’t have much reason to stay in touch, so it’s no longer remotely a possibility.

So I second Julia’s advice to ask around in the circles in your life & see who may know someone.

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Oh yes, the illustrious Cosgrove. He passed away in the last few years, and they settled with disney in the end. But, to this day there’s a running joke about “ordering a round of cosgroves”. What they did was insanity and I’m honestly surprised they got away with it as long as they did.

Also? If you ever see a charity auction for a “Club 33 Dinner”, it’s usually not sanctioned. Thats a HUGE no-no at all the clubs. Occasionally they allow something but not in years.

There’s a lot more. With the circle of friends I have I hear all sorts of things.

But my FAVORITE private club in SoCa is actually the Magic Castle! And you can get a reservation there by booking a stay at the Magic Castle Hotel (which is all sorts is amazing and I randomly book us there for a night just for funsies….they do our laundry and have snacks and an ice cream phone by the pool. LOL) Their dress code is stricter than club 33, they do not allow photos/videos past the lobby and the performers are always so fun! I love spending an evening getting all dressed up and seeing magic. Honestly the food is better too. It’s just a really amazing night out in La.

I may even know a few tricks myself. :joy::joy:


Oh I’m glad the Cosgroves eventually settled, but sorry to hear he passed. I think if they had even been the slightest bit selective about keeping it to people they encountered IRL and wanted to pixie dust vs. broadcasting, “To All Disney fans, come to me to get into Club 33 because I believe everyone deserves to see it,” and then letting whoever stepped up use their membership to go gawk, then things might not have been so drastic.

I remember you speaking fondly of Magic Castle! That sounds like a very lovely time, with entertainment & good food.


It’s quite steep, and has only gotten steeper. I think the first time I heard about Club 33, prices for DLR were $35K entry fee and $15K yearly. I don’t know what it is today, but I know it’s higher than that.

And from my experience about things across even just the 2 US parks, having anything remotely joint is a near impossible feat (they used to have an AP that was good for both coasts and good luck getting it to work on the opposite coast from where you purchased it, there were so many times the people with those passes had to go to Guest Services to get their pass to work). Not that it’s okay that it’s like that, just to say that the more exclusive & elite experience that is Club 33 is not the thing I would want to be subject to whatever challenges they experience whenever they have to make something work for both coasts.


Crikey this has been an interesting thread!

Who knew it was this complex, I feel like Alice falling into wonderland!

I’ll give one last shot and ping Chapek, but in all seriousness thanks for the tip on Magic Castle that sound like a great idea.


Now if you can get Chapek to make you a dining reservation at Club 33, please report back because I will be mucho

And if you go to the Magic Castle….also report back! Have you been to the Magic Circle in London? It’s sufficiently strange and I would go again if the timing worked out while we were in London! :joy::joy:


Sad news, apparently his membership was revoked !




Joseph Patrick Cosgrove wrote a book about his life called “Walt Dreamers Me” before he was kicked out of Club 33. It wasn’t particularly well written, but it certainly showed his love for sharing Club 33 with other Disney fans. Reading that book was probably about as close as I’ll get to Club 33! But if anyone is interested in Magic Castle, there’s currently an auction on CharityBuzz:


I know a number of Club 33 members — from both coasts — and I’ve visited the lounges in the WDW parks. They’re very nice. I was boasting about this to a friend of mine. “So, it’s a themed room, with tables and chairs, and you can order food and drinks?” she asked. Well, yes, I said. “So it’s just like a hundred other places at Disney World.” Well, I suppose so, yes. “And I’m supposed to be impressed because?” Erm, well, erm.

For me, the most jaw-dropping place in WDW is the GF lobby. It smells nicer than any of the clubs — and they have a live pianist.

The best part of the clubs are the toilets. The stalls have proper doors. And they have proper toilet paper. That’s probably worth the membership fee in itself.


Oh no! There’s been alot of that out here. Unless you’re a currently disney celebrity or know how to properly and quietly keep the staff in whatever it is they like as “currency”, the dumbest things will get you suspended or revoked. It’s wilddddd


Now this I believe. Disney :roll_of_toilet_paper: is crap.